San Jose Tea Party Rally (2020)
: I went the 1 block from work to a Tea Party Rally in San Jose (April 2010). They were not what the media pretended.
FYI: a sock-puppet is a plant to make the opposition look bad. And yes, there were a couple loons that might have been there legitimately... but in the bay area, there are usually dozens in any crowd, so they were actually under-represented.
But like I said, the the media spun the story by finding the one guy that had some racist T-shirt or placard and interviewing him and pretending he was the norm. They first had to get him away from the folks with signs that said, "he's not with us"... and they ignored that the guy was a long time Democrat operative (that came out on conservative sites later). My contempt for the media was once again verified. And the misrepresentation of the event and the people was complete. Mild mannered group of mixed race people was portrayed as a bunch of racist bigots trying to hurt minorities by balancing the budget.
Here's some of the pictures of a real Tea Party event:
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The crowd had a lot of silver-haired, middle and upper class folks, who were mad about deficit spending (not race, religion, etc).
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Lots of pro-America imagery, smiles (not much anger: more friendly grousing), and messages about taxes and freedom.
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90% of the signage was about deficits, TEA=Taxed Enough Already, and messages about economics and smaller government.
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I searched for any obnoxious/racist messages. There was one guy with an obnoxious T-Shirt, and a few people pointing out he wasn't with the Tea Party (and was a Democrat sock-puppet trying to make them look bad). I didn't get a picture.
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More animal farm, Orwell, and some Ayn Randian signs around. The media played this as a white racist march, and while there were less minorities than in San Jose in general, there were a few Indians and Asians in the crowd. And these people didn't look or act like they'd have a problem with more of them.
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I took a few dozen pictures -- but I'm not a great photographer, and was more interested in the signage and looking for bad ones. The worst was an occasional jab at Obama for being a Socialist (aka: wealth redistribution).
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There was a small counter-protest of loser types. But people smiled and waved at them -- very little animosity. The cops didn't even bother to keep them separated, as it wasn't like later BLM or Antifa riots, where the Tea Party was likely to assault the kids just because they were idiots. These were Americans wanting more liberty, not mini-marxists wanting less.
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