: The Climate is always change, the debate is over the cause and consequences. Where there's no debate, there's no science.
🗒️ NOTE: |
I don't care if people believe in, or disbelieve in AGW theory: there's evidence to support at least some of both sides points. I do care that we can't even talk about it, because so many people are 100% sure that anyone who doesn't agree with them is greedy, evil, uninformed, and destroying the planet. The truth is far more nuanced. |
Facts[edit | edit source]
- Climate History - the left uses scare tactics to try to convince people to panic and empower the government to control their lives (watermelon environmentalism like the Green New Deal). But all their predictions of doom and gloom have been wrong in the past. So it's a bit naive to think that this time they're right (and not overstating it).
Anyone with a cursory understanding of the science (including Nobel laureates) recognizes that:
- the politicians have taken over and the Science doesn't show what they claim
3 Most think Global Warming is likely to be good for humanity and life on the planet
- and that just about everything the Press/Public/Activists believes (or have convinced the gullible to believe) is exaggerated to the point of absurdity.
The more this goes on, the more Skeptics come out of the woodwork.
1970's - Climate - while the idea that humanity would destroy itself is old, in the 1970's the radical left decided that they could use the cover of environmentalism to further their Marxist agenda: gain power and destabilize the nation by telling everyone that everything they did was ruining the globe for their kids. Energy generation that worked, was bad. Breathing was bad. Civilization was bad. This watermelon movement (Green on the outside, Red/Marxist on the inside), lowered the tone because global cooling / global warming was putting the very planet at threat. So eco-terrorism, calling the other side "Science Deniers", and anything they did, was justified in their minds, because the future of the entire planet was at risk. They advocating ruining lives and careers of anyone that knew more than them and disagreed with them. Civility was a threat to our very existence.
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