Keep the tiger behind the bamboo
This is a rambling life lesson, that I once learned, and often ignore. My Karate Instructor used to say, "keep the tiger behind the bamboo". The lesson being that if you're a mystery, what people imagine you are, is probably greater than the reality. So stay mysterious and keep/get more students.
Harrison Bergeron and the Law of Jante
The idea that the individual should be valued based only on their contribution to the collective, is one of the most detestable philosophies ever invented. From Harrison Bergeron, Sirens of Titan, Law of Jante, tall poppy, Procrustean bed or Dog in the Manger, the allegories and lessons throughout time are not positive. But still the philosophy exists.
America made Saddam
During the mid 2000's it was popular among the dim of wit, and big of mouth, to claim that Saddam was created by America. That kind of rhetoric tends to come from the uninformed, the trolls, or both. Saddam was never "our boy" like some claim.
Preemptive War
Iraq was the first preemptive war except for all the others. All wars start with a series of escalations on both sides. All offer multiple opportunities to escalate or deescalate (back down). A fight doesn't happen because one guy throws the first punch, but because both sides chose to not walk away until eventually a fight is the only natural outcome.
Che Guevara Let’s play a game of guess the leader by their quotes... some of what Che stood for.
DNC on Gun Control The majority of Dems either say stupid things about Guns/Gun Control or they don't resist when they should.
Emoji Universal symbols (hieroglyphs) for signage is good. Political Correctness defining them makes them dumb
Red Flag Laws Red Flag laws sound reasonable (flag people that are threats, and take their guns away temporarily), but they aren't.
India Articles about India, a country with a rich history that many people know far less about than they think they do.
Civil War and Slavery To the simple, the Civi War was good v evil, and all about Slavery. To informed adults? Far more complexity.
The Master Baiter Trump is either a communications genius, or the media/left are idiots to be outclassed by a self gratifying dolt.
COVID is a hoax Politico ran a piece titled, "Trump rallies his base to treat coronavirus as a ‘hoax’". He didn't. They lied.
Hunting is conservation Hunting creates a vested interest in protecting wildlife, and the hunting licenses pay for that protection.
55 MPH Speed Limit The federally mandated 55 MPH speed limit failed at every goal, but still too; many decades to replace.
Light Rail In a vacuum, Light rail sounds great: trains are efficient, comfortable, and just fun. But we don't live in a vacuum.
Unintended Consequences Every action causes a reaction. Many reactions/consequences are counter productive and make the problem worse.
Fake Facts "Facts" that aren't but people believe anyways, either through ignorance, self delusion or deception.
Bible Whether you are a Christian or not, there are things you can learn for the Bible, if you want to.
Jessica Yaniv A trans-activist in Canada (previously known as Jonathan Yaniv) was trying to force women to wax his genitalia.
Third Point Systems Jumper In 1994, I was minding my own business, when I see a body fall by my window, landing with a wet but very loud smack...
Photoshop Collection of stories about Photoshop