: Things that make you go, “hmmm…”, or at least made me write about it.
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt. That's why I write about it (at length) instead. Hey, if you don't care about what other people think about you, it's easier. |
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Whether you are a Christian or not, there are things you can learn for the Bible, if you want to. I have read the Bible a few times, but also read information about the Bible and its origins, and I enjoy discussing these subjects with people far more educated than myself. These are my opinions on the history and origins of the Bible.
Keep the tiger behind the bamboo
This is a rambling life lesson, that I once learned, and often ignore. My Karate Instructor used to say, "keep the tiger behind the bamboo". The lesson being that if you're a mystery, what people imagine you are, is probably greater than the reality. So stay mysterious and keep/get more students.
Preemptive War
Iraq was the first preemptive war except for all the others. All wars start with a series of escalations on both sides. All offer multiple opportunities to escalate or deescalate (back down). A fight doesn't happen because one guy throws the first punch, but because both sides chose to not walk away until eventually a fight is the only natural outcome.
Unintended Consequences
Every action causes a reaction. Some reactions are pleasant surprises, many are negatives, some are counter productive (perverse) and make the problem worse. Since consequences matter more than intentions, we have a social obligation to plan for them (and avoid them).
You broke it, you bought it
In property rights, "You broke it, you bought it" is common sense. What isn't yours, isn't yours to break. Thus you owe the owner a replacement. But in foreign and domestic policy that ignores context, ownership and responsibility. The truth is both sides bear responsibility for their actions. And sometimes you are given no ethical way to continue ignoring a problem.
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