Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

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ℹ️Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
File:Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.png
File:Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.pngx
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2018-07-11
    1Liner  : 
The manchurian candidate of the progressive left. Put in as a googly eyed puppet of the far left.

Summary  : 
A limousine socialist who won by promising recesses will be longer, and all the toys and candy will be free. The media played her as a founding a grass roots movements, but it's astroturf (Fake Grassroots). She was bought and paid for by Justice Democrats and they interviewed her as their Manchurian candidate.

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • A limousine socialist that won the NY Primary against Joseph Crowley: a 10 term establishment guy. While Crowley was far left Representative, he wasn't far left enough for the DNC's new generation, and so Cortez beat him out promising longer recesses and all the toys and candy will be free.
  • The media played her as a founding a grass roots movements, but it's astroturf (Fake Grassroots), she was bought and paid for by Justice Democrats and they interviewed her as their Manchurian candidate.
  • Much of the media and mainstream left defend her many absurd and anti-American statements, so she is a significant voice in the party. Plus, based on her years of expertise as a bartenders, she's one of their most educated advocates for Watermelon environmentalism: the ripe red fruit of socialism wrapped in a Green/Environmental rind.

Origins[edit | edit source]

  • A well funded organization was created with the fanatical elements in the DNC and Sanders Campaign, in response to the 2016 election called the Justice Democrats (really just a false front for the Democratic Socialists [1]
  • They recruited SJW Manchurian Candidates (Sock Puppets) to advance their pre-canned platform in common
    • NOTE: There are questions about the legality, as paying people to run in an election is generally frowned upon in our democracy (legally). So they were flirting with criminality, but no one seems to have come up on charges (again, it's NY where laws don't apply to Democrats).
  • Their platform was the replacement of the Democratic Party with a fanatic far left one, and the agenda to destroy America: replace it with Socialism
  • They ran ads promising they had whole campaigns ready to go, they just needed pretty faces to appeal to Generation Tide-Pod and regurgitate their plans and speeches -- and AOC was one of the recruits
  • One of the founders and her Campaign Manager (Saikat Chakrabarti) and her were also caught illegally 501c's and funneling money in illegal ways
    • NOTE: there's no convictions yet: and it's in NY, where the corrupt DNC machine goes back to Boss "Tweed" and the mid 1800's, there may never be one, but that doesn't make them innocent
  • The media misinformed the public that hers was a spontaneous grass roots movement that grew out of the vapid mind of this failed bartender, when she was a bought and paid for shill of a political machine.

Doesn't all that sound more plausible than a 20-something failed bartended taking congress by storm? If you don't know any of this, you're the victim of Fake News: strategic and intentional omission of information that you would need to make informed decisions on someone.

There is a Justice Caucus (26 of their 29 candidates won): their response to the liberty loving grass-roots Tea Party, was an astroturf (fake Grass Roots) socialist movement that was fighting for less liberty and subverting democracy, and the economic destruction of America.

I'm not exaggerating when saying they want to destroy the country, their platform is things like:

  • Medicare-for-all - socialized medicine: meaning the government will pick your doctors and hospitals for you: everyone gets county-medical
  • Socialized education (free everything): meaning indoctrination won't just end at 18, but 24. Think of the number of Women's studies graduates, and how great millions of unemployed SJW's will result in
  • Housing is a human right - free housing: everyone gets to live in the projects
  • Government jobs guarantee: $15/hour+benefits for every American, paying them even if they don't work
  • the Green-New-Deal - destroying all reliable forms of fuel, elimination of air travel (trains to Hawaii), and so on
  • the elimination of ICE, border control and open borders
  • the destabilization of the Middle East, elimination of Israel (BDS)
  • Abolishing profits, abolishing Capitalism, 70% tax on everyone
  • Elimination of capital punishment, drug crimes, crimes in general, and abolishing prisons

These things come from their own websites, documents and speeches: it's not hidden. Many of those could bring down a country individually, a few combined would destabilize us completely. But free everything sounds good to the least informed, so her campaign of wins in the most disaffected (and Democrat) areas -- which is where they're targeting.

More[edit | edit source]

It doesn't matter how you pay for her ideas: Socialism is magic. And when asked on any depth, she crumbles. Fortunately, the media is soft on socialist airheads. But here's some samples of why she makes Sarah Palin look like a rocket surgeon in comparison: Template:StripCategory2 • [2 items]

Poor Sandy (Alexandria Ocasio Cortez), she's the left's Sarah Palin... if Sarah was dumber... and more quotable, and more rabid partisan. After her, all their arguments against Sarah are invalid. She's sort of like the left's Maxine Waters on civility, Diane Feinstein on guns, Clinton on Women's rights, or Obama on economics or healthcare... all wrapped in one marxist package.
The Master Baiter
Trump is either a communications genius, or the media/left are complete idiots to be outclassed by a self gratifying dolt. These are examples of Trump shittweeting or saying obviously true things, in ways that will rile the left, and their gullible media falls for it, defends the indefensible and then look like idiots when what he said turns out to be true.


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List all the articles that have work to be done on them.
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