Fake Victims
: A list of people that were played as victims but weren't what they were presented as.
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
If there is such a epidemic of racism and police abuse in America, then where are the good examples? There are a lot of good example of media making up (or magnifying) false-narratives, in order to magnify leftist agendas, violence/division, and increase ratings (profits).
The vast majority of the best examples are criminals resisting arrest while armed, the mentally ill brandishing weapons, or far more complex stories than originally sold? If you have good examples then you don't need to embelish, censor people who question the details, or omit facts. Most investigations (by far left cities/politicians) still exonerate most of the cops, the rest were being investigated without the riots anyways.
When the data and the political narrative disagree, trust the data. It's amazing how often that disagrees with the mainstream media narrative. I have no dog in this fight beyond caring about civil liberties, but if you have the data or even good anecdotes, please offer them instead of the propaganda garbage being sold to the gullible. Those of us that can do basic research, feel bad for the rest: but not because of racial abuse, but because of those preying on others gullibility.
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