Reload Times/Fixed Magazines
: There's virtually no difference in reloading removable or fixed magazines, outlawing the former is just an annoyance.
Fixed Magazines |
<html><iframe width="</html>320px<html>" height="240" align="right" src="</html>OiTJOz1XFGA<html>" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html> Guy speed loading an antique weapon. Push the bullets in, and they're ready to fire: no removable magazine necessary. More at: Fixed Magazines |
Before there were removable magazines, you put bullets that were held together with a "clip" into a fixed magazine all at once. (This is why many people mistakenly call a removable magazine a "clip"). This kind of system predates metal cartridges, and goes back to the 1700's.
Here's the 1930's era M1 Garand that was standard issue in WWII, or Soviet SKS from the same era. Both these guns are Curio's & Relics, meaning they're antiques (more than 50 years old), or historical guns to collectors -- which means they often have different / easier rules to buy/sell/gift. Even some M16 are about to go into that category.
When NY or California outlaws removable magazines people can do one of 3 things:
- Go to fixed magazines, and use clips or speed loaders which doesn't change the rate of fire or reload times at all. Here's some of those in action:
- Go to defeat mechanisms (magazine locks). The law is written to say that you have to disassemble the gun to remove the magazine (that qualifies as a non-removable magazine). What the gun-illiterates don't realize is that is pushing a button on an AR-15, and the gun opens up, the magazine drops, and you close the gun, and put the magazine back in. It's so fast and easy, that some guns (especially belt and drum fed ones) used to work like this by default. It doesn't change the rate of fire or reload times in any significant way. Here's some of those in action:
- Break the law. You have to remember the parts you have to put on the AR-15 (or other gun) to make them California/NY legal are extras. You can break them off, or replace them with standard part, for like $10 and 5 minutes (max). The idea that a mass shooter is willing to commit multiple felonies and train sometimes for months, but won't order a $10 part and put it on is silly.
- Use something else as or more effective. Features that make a gun an "assault weapon" are things like a pistol grip or collapsable stock -- so you take them off, or by a gun with the same rate of fire and same or bigger caliber (firepower), and you're fine.
These laws don't change firepower, so they do nothing against criminals, but annoy the hell out of other collectors or sport shooters. It's as dumb as outlawing red Porsche's to help with speeding, but not white ones, or other cars that go as fast.
👁️ See also
- Reload Times -
- Gun Bans -
- Reload Times/Removable Magazines -
- Reload Times/Fixed Magazines -
- Reload Times/Revolvers -
- Reload Times/Pump Action -
- Reload Times/Lever Action -
- Reload Times/Bolt Action -
- Reload Times/Break Action -
- Reload Times/Air Rifle - While others had flintlocks, the Austrian Arm was using 22 shot .46 caliber repeater, you could hunt bear/elk with.
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