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: I did 23andMe, and it shows my ancestors humped their way across the globe.
My "race":
- 69% european: 35% south, 26% north, 0.4% east, 6.8% broadly. It includes mostly Italian from the south (35%), 26% british/irish from North (with a bit of Scandinavian and Finnish)
- 28.4% Middle eastern (a little North African). I claim one drop of African qualifies me to sign along to rap songs. My Black step-Dad says it needs to be 20% (probably because he doesn't like my singing)
- 1.4% east asian: Yakut, Mongolian, Japanese, and...
- Native American: More than Elizabeth Warren. Now I want an Indian name like, "Mosquito in Wigwam", "Wandering Troll", or something cool like that.
- <4% Neanderthal -- which is less than 75% of the population. My family seemed to have Yellow Fever more than they liked humping apes.
- 1.2% mystery meat (unassigned)
I was asking relatives, "where the heck did the British/Irish and native American come in?"... and I got back, "well your Great Grandmother was a Redheaded American Royalty".... yeah, that might have something to do with it. It's amazing the information you can get when you learn to ask the right questions...
Turns out my people were the biggest oppressors and victims from all over the world. I guess that means I'll have to pay myself reparations for what we did to ourselves.
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