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By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2022-03-15
    1Liner  : 
There is inequality, but we're in the top handful of countries in the world as far as tolerance and diversity

Summary  : 
There is inequality and injustice in the world and our nation. But America is in the top handful of countries in the world as far as tolerance and diversity. But the progressive left is addicted to "progress" (change), not balance, or knowing when to stop/slow/moderate. So they exaggerate the wrongs, and exaggerate the delusion that if we give up enough liberty, Democrats will fix it.

<ul><li>Property "Left" (as page type) with input value "To listen to the left or SJW's, etc., you'd believe that Republicans love inequalities like slavery, the oppression of minorities and women, and they'd bring it back if they could. On all these issues the message is "fear the other side", they are out to oppress you. Inequality of outcome is evidence of oppression and they use that inequality to foster hate and fear those who oppose their agenda." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "The reality is that both sides often agree that something should be done about some problems, they just disagree on what and how. The right wants blacks/minorities to have equal opportunities with whites, just not special advantages. The left wants equality of outcome, which is something that's impossible without publishing success and merit. Since the left loses rational arguments, they go for demonizing the other side to scare their base. Like we have to fight, "white privilege", and bury the lede that Asians and Indians outperform whites academically and economically (isn't that yellow and brown privilege?). ." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul> So no matter what progress is made, they have to ignore it, exaggerate the wrongs... and the potential for government to fix society with a few laws and a little more intolerance towards that with which they disagree. Until they get to the point where their views are a caricature of reality. Now many of them believe that only their side is virtuous, and those who disagree (in any degree), are not virtuous... and thus are enemies.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

No one is going to deny there's inequality in the world. There's just different views on what to do about it. The left believe's it can be fixed if we surrender to a totalitarian state that we redistribute everything and make it more fair. The historically informed know that's never worked out before. Replacing a sloppy meritocracy (and being able to pass your wealth to your heirs) with a politocracy, where the politicians decide who gets what, never makes it better for the outsiders. Both are a plutocracy of sorts, just to climb the ladder on one requires effort and luck, and in the other it requires political connections and dedication to the herd agenda.

So what kind of world do you want your kids to live in? Where there's injustices against success, based on politics (the left's utopia). Or where there's injustice based on some people being smarter, stronger or just working harder? (the right's reality) For me? I'd rather live in the real world and latter one, than any utopia created autocratic lefties, because to date, none of those have ended well for individuals.


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