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By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2019-01-21
    1Liner  : 
1980 Ted Turner started CNN to put his left center spin on "the news". Then it went downhill.

Summary  : 
1980 Ted Turner started CNN to put his left center spin on "the news", along with his later marriage to Hanoi Jane Fonda. He wanted to be the 24 hour, more left version of the already left of center news outlets like CBS, ABC, NBC, and rather than fill airtime with deeper stories, he'd use far left op-ed fluff.

History of Cable News Channels[edit source]

           Main article: History of Cable News Channels

FakeNews[edit | edit source]

🗒️ NOTE:
FakeNews (Junk News or yellow journalism) is when legitimate stories or facts are suppressed, journalistic standards aren't adhered to, half truths are told, or a narrative spun to where the story becomes misleading or false. Think: manufactured crises, hoaxes, clickbait (sensational teasers/headlines with buried facts), bias or selective fact-checking, anonymous or paid sources, minor stories obscuring more significant news, delaying or ignoring newsworthy events, are all forms of FakeNews. Most retractions or corrections are evidence of shoddy standards and/or editorial bias creating FakeNews.

What's even worse is the errors that don't get retractions. The lists are so big, I had to start grouping them.



Piers Morgan deserves special mention as a gun-incompetent expert for CNN, regularly getting schooled by guests. Everyone makes mistakes. But the example image shows a screen cap with the kind of consistently bad slop that comes to define CNN when it comes to guns. I have yet to see CNN gun-reporting that wasn't mockworthy. Some examples:

  • They don't even know the difference between caliber and millimeter (pretty basic stuff).
  • 0.223mm is about 1/128th of an inch. It is either a .223 Caliber (how much of an inch across it is), or it's a 5.56mm.
  • They also got wrong 0.9mm (9mm) and .22mm long rifle (22LR).
  • I think they only tried to add the "long rifle" because it sounded "scary". In truth, the 22LR is the weakest common rifle or pistol round you can get. (Though the .22 short was first created in 1857 for kids to learn to shoot paper with).
  • To give you a sense of scale on 2,000 rounds: boxes are 50-100 rounds, bulk is 500-1,000 rounds (5-10 boxes). The average person shoots a few boxes every time they practice. So this maniac had enough ammo to go shooting 3 or 4 times with each gun. In Texas or Arkansas upon hearing of that stockpile, their first thought would be, "Bubba's running bone dry on ammo".

That isn't the first time they've been stupid or dishonest about guns. Including:

  • 2018.05.18 Jim Sciutto and Sara Murray both tweeted how we had 22 school shootings so far this year, using Everytown for Gun Safety's long discredited fake methodology.
  • 2018.02.27 In a FakeNews story trying to sensationalize how dangerous an AR-15 is, they got some dingleberry General to do/say everything wrong in firing it, and totally fuck up the "facts", like "Full Semi-Automatic". Their "report" became a meme mocked by anyone who knows the basics of guns.
  • 2018.03.21 They invite every far left anti-Gun parkland teen to pontificate on ideas beyond their intellectual carry capacity, but refuse to invite a single conservative teen on (they're too informed). They finally, invite one, to preserve the sham of being a news site, but quickly disinvite him for a retweet about one of their sports commentators. It's almost like they were looking for an excuse to avoid letting the other side on.
  • 2018.02.21 A story CNN was pumping about a school shooting survivor, just happens to have a mom who was a CNN VIP (and they never disclosed that).
  • 2018.02.21 CNN's Chris Cuomo posts false story about being able to buy a gun without proper ID or background check. Lies about it. Refuses to apologize. None demanded by CNN.
  • 2018.02.06 - Parkland Lies: after Parkland shooting, CNN media reporter Brian Stelter attacked Republicans for being "scared" to come on CNN and debate gun control. Chris Cuomo specifically called out Ted Cruz for not rising to the challenge. Ted Cruz had done a 15 minute interview earlier that day, and they aired none of it, because he made them look stupid. (Which isn't hard).

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The masters of FakeNews is CNN. Since they're founding, they've been little more than a mouthpiece for the DNC. Meme's aren't facts, just jabs -- but they can show a trend towards how people feel about an organization. The reader can decide if they're fair are not, but I did laugh at a few of them.

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1957 Garbage Truck. 2017 Garbage Truck=CNN Van.

CNN Oct 2016: The Presidential election can't be hacked. Dec 2016: The Presidential election was hacked by the Russians. (It wasn't).

Going inside Hillary's ass. Reporters on the scene says it smells terrific.

America went from oppressive racist hellhole to the land of opportunity: pick one CNN.

CNN: The most trusted name in Liberal Propaganda.

CNN: The Criminal News Network.

I don't watch CNN for the same reason I don't eat out of the toilet.

CNN+ didn't even last as long as Jeffrey Toobin during a Zoom meeting.

Star Wars Droid: You get your news from CNN? You know the probability for FakeNews is high.

Wood, Polymer or Laughing Stock (CNN).

CNN shooting a picture of Trump, that's covering their own foot.

In North Korea the people are forced to watch propaganda. In the USA they do it willingly: CNN.

CNN called an intentional mass-murder in Barcelona the same thing as what happened in Charlottesville. Do they really not know the difference?

FNN: Fake News Network (and logo).

If you don't stop lying, you'll grow up to be a CNN reporter!

Sandman got $250M from media defamation suits... Kyle, "Hold my beer"...
Peanuts: Is it hypocrisy if our leaders have guns protecting them and we don't? No, I'm not a racist.

CNN: flip flopping on wiretapping. Like News, only dumber.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

During a brief uptick in CNN during the election, the President of CNN (Jeff Zucker) once slipped and admitted the truth (by accident I assume), and said, “I think it was a legitimate criticism of CNN that it was a little too liberal,”. Ya think? [1] Of course he was implying it was going to be different now, right before they went off the cliff to the left.

Some will decry that many were just "honest mistakes", (and a few of them were actually corrected). But seriously, how many times can they make the same mistakes, with front page sensationalism and back page retractions, and that they virtually all skew one way (for Democrats or against Republicans), before we see a pattern of malfeasance?

While I don't expect mere evidence to change an ideologues mind's, my small sampling of FakeNews will at least convince the reasonable that there's some valid reasons why "the other side" might have grievances. Those that can't, can be written off as unreasonable (they won't let facts get in the way of their emotions): and thus, I know they're not worth listening to.


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