Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (1971)
: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a classic movie done in 1971, with Gene Wilder, and it's a creepy, must see classic.
Plot Summary
The film tells the story of Charlie Bucket as he receives a Golden Ticket, and visits Willy Wonka's chocolate factory with four other children from around the world.
Wonka is a recluse because other candy makers are trying to steal his recipes. So when Wonka announces that he hid five "Golden Tickets" in chocolate Wonka Bars, and finders of the tickets will receive a factory tour and a lifetime supply of chocolate, it becomes a global viral phenomenon. Charlie wins, takes the tour, where his compatriots are weeded out by various character flaws or conflicts of interest, leaving Charlie -- who passed the final moral character test. At which point Wonka tells Charlie that the goal was to find a worthy heir, and since Charlie passed, the whole factory was all his and his Charlie poor family can immediately move in and live happily ever after.
Other[edit | edit source]
The reason I posted this is because there's a video that describes this fan theory that concludes that Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, is really just a remake of Dante’s Inferno. Yeah, I buy it. But then many stories are derivative. It's worth a watch.
The idea that humans need justice for bad behavior is pretty ingrained. Chimps have tantrums when the other chimp gets better treats than them. Basically, that just explained the appeal of progressive socialism: losers resent winners and want to see them punished (whether it was by merit or effort or not). So maybe it was really just Marx's Das Kapital? Both are fairy tales, after all.