Charlottesville Race Riot
: Lies: (1) Charlottesville was all about race (2) Trump supported the White Supremacists.
Facts[edit | edit source]
Antifa started violence at a Unite the Right Rally[edit source]
Who started the violence?[edit source]
KKK / Neo-Nazi's[edit source]
Robert E. Lee[edit source]
A right winger was killed too[edit source]
Size[edit source]
Permits and Police[edit source]
Assault, and then battery[edit source]
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
While I'm not a fan of the caustic white nationalists (or their rally's), and I suspect most of them wouldn't be fond of an Iranian guy with a Muslim father, the facts still matter. And the facts include:
- The President came out and said that the media (FakeNews) was getting the story wrong, because they were. The President denounced the hate "on both sides", and also said there were "good people on both sides". But he specifically said, "I'm not talking about the Neo-Nazi's", multiple times. He said it again in follow-up questions. Watch just before the 2:00 minute mark.
- The media got the story wrong, as have all my well intentioned friends ranting about how wrong this is, without a clue as to what happened (or a willingness to ignore their sides culpability in it). Anyone that reported he defended the Neo-Nazi's, or deny that he denounced them, is either ignorant or a liar. CNN especially misreported this for years, and rarely corrects the record. NYT, WaPo, etc., have also gone overtime on perverting this for their rubes/readers.
- I've seen far more angry haters on the left than the right. Which is NOT to say "your side is worse" and use moral equivalency -- it's to point out that justice needs to be blind and we need to use consistent moral and legal standards. There are bad forces on both sides, and this violence wouldn't have happened if the Alt-Left (Antifa) hadn't shown up, intent on committing violence.
- The Supreme Court, history and any moral standard says that there is no exception on free speech for hate speech. Free speech only counts when you're letting people you disagree with, have their voice. Either you have a 1st Amendment and one group of fascists gets to complain when another group of fascists is destroying historical monuments, or you do not have free speech. The left is against free speech.
If you know the facts, the President's response was not unreasonable. The day after the event, the President was getting reports that antifa started it, with the help of the cops, and the media was complicit in a lie about what happened. So he said everyone should calm the fuck down (both sides should stop the violence). I agree. The sane should agree. The left will never agree -- because it breaks their premise that they are never wrong, and thus they never have anything to do with what goes wrong.
So we're divided: those that care about fairness to both sides, and those that listen to the Democrat media have radically different views. One is informed, and the other is the Democrats view of the event. And the media doesn't realize that their overreactions and dishonest is immunizing Trump against them. After they lie a few dozen times, the informed just stop listening to them: like I tune out any idiots that think Trump didn't denounce Neo-Nazi's or that he defended them (when he did the opposite). You can't reason with stupid, so I just mentally put up the "talk to the hand" sign, while I smile and nod and think, "how do these people function without hurting themselves?"
The media was intentionally not reporting the truth (or at least both sides of it), and they weren't going to start just because the President told them to. They were going to find any excuse to attack him and they did. But this polarizes the left-media defenders against the informed (that know better). Facts won't convince the left, and lies won't convince the right -- so we're are an impasse. But I have to think that the truth will win out long term, and that doesn't bode well for the Democrats.
Was Charlottesville a False Flag effort?[edit source]
🔗 More[edit source]
🔗 External Links
- The left beats people out of love:
- Compared to Obama:
- Took many days for Obama to not call terrorism what it was:
- An excellent point about how the media didn't care when it was Obama doing the same things:
- Vice Mayor = Biased/Bigot:
- Police and Mayor caused it:
- Police Chief says, "Nuh uh":
- The driver only tried to drive through the crowd AFTER his car was hit with a bat (flag). :
- That does NOT excuse the act, but it sure changes the context from a terrorist planning on killing innocents, to a rage induced incident AFTER he was assaulted. But you don't see these facts on the left-o-sphere like CNN or MSDNC.
- The side of the story that you don't hear in the media:
- The New Republic gets it, that the hate on the left, is fueling the NeoNazi's and the backlash against them. They get that the left is being played -- they just miss that it's the leftist politicians and leftist media that's stoking the fire:
- Shitshow is just starting:
- Journalists getting targeted:
- What really happened:
- Woke Girl on truth about Charlottesville:
- Dems impeachment tourettes:
- Politico plays these lies to inflame the gullible (the DNC base). "A young man fueled by hatred drove into a crowd of people peacefully protesting". You get dumber reading this stuff:
- Then Politico does another, admitting Trump denounces racism on Monday, but alleging he didn't do it on Saturday or dozens of other times:
- The AP plays up planned terrorism angle (and violent history of beating his Mom), but doesn't ask the question, "why wasn't a guy with rage issues taken off the streets?" It sounds like he had a series of escalating crimes while the government failed society by doing nothing about it:
- Guns did it:
- NPR Fake Poll. They trump up anger against Trumps weak response, then they poll their viewers in a loaded way, and are shocked it shows what they want:
- WaPo did a FakeNews fact check that distracts from the lie that Trump never denounced the Neo-Nazi's which he did from the start :
- It helps to know that DailyWire's editor (Ben Shapiro) is rabidly anti alt-right, so is not above lying (spinning) on what/who they are. I generally like Ben, and don't like the "alt-right", but that doesn't mean I support disinformation, half truths, and distortions that help my cause (which Daily Wire does):
- This starts well with a few facts, then ends as a joke (blaming Trump for the alt-right). If that's true, then Obama was responsible for encouraging Islamic terrorism (by not calling them by name). Just pick one standard:
- This one misleads all the way through: