Disinformation Governance Board
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: Leftists went into hysterics over Musk acquiring Twitter. Biden Admin invented the Ministry of Truth to attack free speech.
- If this was a needed role, then you wouldn't just invent it, with this timing. You'd work with agencies, legislators and the public to get buy in.
- The timing, action, and prior things said about Twitter/Musk, all show that the Biden administration is abusing power and using the false cover of "disinformation" as a way to attack a private business and increase their costs. They certainly didn't do this when Jeff Bezos acquired Washington Post, and they have no investigation of George Soros or Lauren Powell-Jobs funding NYT or other outlets to further their far left agenda.
- In historical context, bullying private businesses to further government agendas was the top differentiator for Fascist forms of government. This is one example amongst dozens, like ending Oil Leases, blocking pipelines, supporting GM/Ford over EV's while dissing/Ignoring Tesla as the #1 EV producer, and so on.
- If you wanted to build support, you'd create a process for appointing and approving a moderate that was approved by both sides. If you wanted to bully and divide, you'd appoint someone far-left without any input from the other side, and especially someone that would alienate the other side. In the latter case you'd pick someone like Nina Jankowicz.
Disinformation Czar[edit | edit source]
Nina Jankowicz is the most caustic and abusive pick you could make to head a bipartisan or balanced board.
Highlights include:
- The Mary Poppins of Disinformation is based on her singing Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious to Disnformation, while forgetting all the times she's been a propagator of it. [1]
- 2020 she falsely claimed that Trump supporters woud show up armed to the polls to intimidate the opposition. (Like Black Panthers did for Obama in Philidelphia, but the left dismissed) [2]
- She falsely claimed that the Steele dossier started out as a Republican project. It didn't. [3]
- She spread that Hunter Biden's laptop was Russian Agitprop and was disinformation. Then She claimed that Hunter Biden's laptop was "a Trump campaign product". Since we now know it was real, we know that she was guilty of committing the crime she plans on policing. And that fraud undermined out democracy / swung an election (according to polls, 16% of Democrats wouldn't have voted for Biden had they known this story, which would have easily swung the election). [4]
- Her book (and TikTok) claimed that Women are too fragile to be on the Internet, because they can't handle uncomfortable truths that they don't like, and we need to protect those wilting daisies from Free Speech. Of course she ignores all the ways men are targetted for mansplaining, manspreading, not being allowed to comment on abortion, compensating for inadequacies if they have guns, being rapists, etc., from Women on the Internet.
You couldn't have picked a worse person than a anti-free speech activist with a history of partisan attacks to lead the agency, if you valued uniting us, adults in the room, or anything but partisan division.
Disinformation[edit source]
Main article: Disinformation
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🔗 External Links
- Wikipedia:Disinformation_Governance_Board
- Tucker on Nina Jankowicz: https://www.air.tv/watch?v=FX5KIFVZRUSc5UQzCGD7Lg
- Lauren Powell-Jobs puff-piece: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/business/laurene-powell-jobs-corner-office.html
- https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/robert-spencer/2022/04/29/bidens-new-disinformation-governance-board-is-already-expanding-its-scope-n1593877
- https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/rick-moran/2022/04/28/biden-to-name-a-fan-of-disinformation-as-disinformation-czar-n1593606
- https://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/tony-perkins/disinformation-nation-biden-launch-new-censorship-board
- https://www.newsweek.com/joe-bidens-disinformation-board-likened-orwells-ministry-truth-1702190
- https://townhall.com/tipsheet/spencerbrown/2022/04/28/bidens-new-disinformation-panel-led-by-woman-who-thought-hunters-laptop-was-russian-disinfo-n2606508
- https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2022/04/29/lots-of-videos-of-disinformation-czar-nina-jankowicz-many-feature-singing-n465948