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By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2022-04-13
    1Liner  : 
Historically meant cultural/racial variety, but now a code word for the hegemony of multiculturalism.

Summary  : 
Historically meant cultural/racial variety, but now is a code word for the political doctrine of multiculturalism, which replaces true diversity with only some subset that they care about. So they put quotas on race/gender, while filtering for ideological conformity. They'll pick a supreme court justice based on race/genitalia instead of qualifications. And so on.

So traditionally, diversity meant variety. In lefty land, the words mean the opposite, so it means they all think alike (or at least are constrained to being different degrees of leftists), but within that pool, they tolerate victims of all races, genders, or religions. But whites, males, cis-gendered, and Christians are inferior to those who are more social outliers in the U.S.


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