: Facebook is 3 things: bad interface, bad management, and biased policies.
I used to think that Facebook was just another company, more interested in bottom line and exploiting their users than anti-Capitalistic stuff, like they are evil, etc. But the more we learn of them corrupting 2020 elections with $400M, selective censorship, and other asshole/hypocrisy/dishonest policies, the more they moved from apathy column, to sincere disdain. They're a lousy social network (from a UI and policy PoV), Mark Zuckerberg is a lousy steward of free speech, they have two modes (a) incompetent (b) evil. They're the epitome of modern fake-liberalism; an intolerant echo chamber with zero introspection, and less diversity of thought.
Articles[edit | edit source]
🖼️ Memes
Template:StripCategory2 • [25 items]
File:Arguing.jpg |
File:Arguing.jpg The best way to become enlightened is arguing on Facebook.
File:FB-DontLeave.jpg |
File:FB-DontLeave.jpg Please don't leave me.
File:FB-SharedWObama.jpg |
File:FB-SharedWObama.jpg I gave Obama analytical data in 2008 and 2012 and bragged about it. Now I'm going to ask congress to help me censor conservatives.
File:FB-Spying.jpg |
File:FB-Spying.jpg My Dad told me you're spying on us! He's not your Dad. |
File:FB-Zucc.JPG |
File:FB-Zucc.JPG Checking to see what you posted, and if anyone needs to be deleted!
File:FBConservativesLie.jpg |
File:FBConservativesLie.jpg Mission: give power to share and make the world more open and connected. Action: Censor 10's of thousands of conservatives and put them in FB jail. |
File:FBDataMining.jpg |
File:FBDataMining.jpg Media on online data mining: Genius when Obama does it. Evil when Trump does it. Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
File:FBSocialCigarettes.jpg |
File:FBSocialCigarettes.jpg Facebook: Social Cigarettes.
File:FBTGConservative.jpg |
File:FBTGConservative.jpg Have you now, or have you ever been a conservative? Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
File:FacebookDeletedMyPic.jpg |
File:FacebookDeletedMyPic.jpg Why did Facebook delete my profile picture?
File:FacebookHypocrisy.jpg |
File:FacebookHypocrisy.jpg Claims Trump is a fascist. Deletes pages he doesn't agree with.
File:FacebookStandards.jpg |
File:FacebookStandards.jpg We removed something you posted because it is true and made the Democrats look like idiots. That's a violation of Facebook community standards.
File:Memes-Facebook-Infobox.JPG |
File:Memes-Facebook-Infobox.JPG c'mon, do the infobox... |
File:StalinCleanedFriendslist.jpg |
File:StalinCleanedFriendslist.jpg Stalin cleaned his friends list before it was cool
File:Stalinberg.JPG |
File:Stalinberg.JPG Stalinberg: one deleted comment is a tragedy. A million deleted comments is a statistic.
File:TruthFBBlocksIt.jpg |
File:TruthFBBlocksIt.jpg (A Few Good Men). "I want the Truth!".... "Facebook keeps blocking the truth!"
File:TurkeysWorriedAboutFarmer.jpeg |
File:TurkeysWorriedAboutFarmer.jpeg Something is up, the Farmer just unfriended me on Facebook.
File:UnfriendbeforeFB.jpg |
File:UnfriendbeforeFB.jpg Unfriending before Facebook!
File:ZuckBday.jpg |
File:ZuckBday.jpg He remembered your birthday when no one else did.
File:ZuckBoosterSeat.jpg |
File:ZuckBoosterSeat.jpg Zuck on a booster seat while lying to congress.
File:ZuckData.jpg |
File:ZuckData.jpg Commander Data: The more of your data I gather, the more I understand what it's like to be human.
File:ZuckThumbsDown.jpg |
File:ZuckThumbsDown.jpg Zuck: thumbs down!
File:Zucker3.jpg |
File:Zucker3.jpg Thumbs down!
File:Zucker4.jpg |
File:Zucker4.jpg You should avoid news of FB, too much info is bad for you. Don't you have all my personal information? |
File:ZuckerbergData.png |
File:ZuckerbergData.png Lt. Commander Zuck in court, after his plan to study humans in greater detail backfires.
🔗 More[edit source]
🔗 External Links
- https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2018/04/09/hey-facebook-users-want-online-privacy-put-your-money-where-your-mouth/gb0o3WC3Bt2SMLiTUPpHVL/story.html?p1=Article_Recommended_ReadMore_Pos1
- http://www.truthrevolt.org/news/street-artist-sabos-facebook-page-shut-down-hate-speech-after-fck-zuck-posters
- http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/08/08/fck-zuck-2020-posters-appear-california-following-zuckerbergs-hire-clinton-strategist/?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social