FakeNews about Cagegate

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ℹ️FakeNews about Cagegate
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2019-01-19
    1Liner  : 
This FakeNews fiasco was the fallacy that Trump's new immigration policy was breaking up families and putting kids in cages.

Summary  : 
This FakeNews fiasco was the fallacy that Trump's new immigration policy was breaking up families and putting kids in cages. The omitted reality was criminals (border jumpers) have always had the kids separated from the adults, as you aren't sure who are parents, and detaining both in the same place risks harm to children. The media even used faked propaganda images from Obama era to sell it.

Cagegate[edit source]

           Main article: Cagegate

FakeNews[edit | edit source]

  • The viral image of immigrants from the Obama-era falsely attributed to the Trump administration, a photo of a child immigrant locked in a cage spread around by immigration activists has turned out to be yet more fake news: it was a staged photo from a pro-Immigrant / Anti-American group.
  • There was another photo from 2014 (Obama era), where there was a short term overflow: but the kids were cared for (not neglected), even if the optics seem bad. And this was not Trump era invention as many misreported.
  • John Favreau ranted about how aweful this was.... then when he found out his photo was during Obama's term, he apologized for his polemic dishonesty by claiming ignorance... then doubled down in claiming that Trump is worse, without any evidence or explanation as to why. Clueless Obama lackey's are not known for their honesty, or wits. Then Mr. Paste-eater went and defended Peter Strzok saying that he sounded like all the far left trolls he knows.... which undermined his own argument (that there was no taint/bias). [1]
  • Of course the army of leftist trolls jumped on board, Linda Sarsour, CNN’s Hadas Gold, Jake Silverstein of the New York Times, and other nitwits posing as journalists, all raged against this as well. The fact that it was wrong isn't as important as their feelings.
  • Daily Caller writer/polemic Antonio Arellano implied that he had pictures of a Trump administration prison bus for toddlers, to take them away. (Maximum outrage). Only it was actually used to take the kids whose relatives hadn't come to get them, on field trips... and it was from 2016 and the Obama era (not Trump).
  • John Cusack ranted about Trump, the evil fascist for doing this.... without ever checking the facts.
  • DNC politicians like Merkley spread lied about Trump administration and what was going on. He faked trying to get into a facility and getting turned away (a facility he was allowed access to). It just turns out access doesn't mean you get to walk with a camera crew and no warning for security reasons. (Facts he omitted from his reporting, just like the Obama era origins, and other misleading falsehoods).
  • The truth is the Feds pay $670/day to make sure the kids are well cared for. That's more than a room at the Ritz in many cities. And they're living a far better standard of living that 13M American children, and likely better than they had where they left, so stop with the "torturing" kids, or concentration camp bullshit. Anyone that says that proves they're either an ignorant rube, or a dishonest polemic. [2].
  • ABC and NBC both blame Trump for the Obama Era program, the very definition of FakeNews. And they went on and on, like ABC misreporting that when Trump said, "We're sending them the hell back!" (referring to MS-13 and criminal aliens), that he was implying these Children and their Parents.
  • MSNBC played both sides, visiting a Texas detention facility that debunked their claims of caged heat (the facility was nice)... but they also falsely implied this was a new Trump admin policy. Then Morning Joe implies there are American Concentration camps, and they doubled down on that concentration camp rhetoric, and went on to imply, "your kids could be next". (Assuming you're illegally using human traffickers to smuggle your kids into the country). Those happened after and knowing full well that their own channel debunked those very claims, unless you think their fact checkers are too stupid to check their own channels reporting. Then to cap it off, John Heilemann gleefully explained on their show how “we” (the Press and Democrats: his words), "have a great opportunity to bludgeon President Trump and the GOP", with the faux crisis at the border. Leaking what this is, just the #resist movement, lying to their gullible base.
  • The Associated Press claimed that illegal immigrant children at a detention center in Virginia had been subjected to horrible abuse.... and named Trump four times, and didn't mention Obama. When had the abuse happened? From 2015 on (starting 2 years before Trump was in office). The disinformation went viral to ignorant lefties. They did a newer version of the article that wasn't quite as bad, but never corrected the original, or referenced their initial mistake, or public apology. So the left gets dumber by reading the AP.
  • The media implied that Trump had separated a 10-year-old girl with Down syndrome from her mother as part of this policy. And more igno-liberals were outraged. Of course it turns out the daughter had been separated from her mother because she was a material witness to a smuggling crime, and had nothing to do with Trump policy.
  • It's not just those exceptionally bad outlets, most of the media is regurgitating the lies to their audiences. (I heard NPR repeating a dozen lies). [3]
  • But if you actually see inside these facilities, they're not inhumane in the slightest: they're bureaucratic temporary housing, with well intentioned staff, in a system that can occasionally be overrun in short waves. [4]
  • Oh, and those "unaccompanied minor" kids being separated from their parents? At least some of them are violent 17 year olds that are part of MS-13. Playing up the innocent infant ripped from his mothers breast is called disinformation and propaganda. This system is a hell of a lot more complex than the poor innocent children that the Democrats use as human shields to hide behind (politically).

Fake FactCheckers[edit | edit source]

The illiberal "FactCheckers" all lined up to muddy the waters, and declare the truth as "mostly false". Hey, when the facts aren't on your side, divert their attention to something else, and argue that.

  • An incredibly poorly written Snopes article declares it mostly false that Parents/Kids need to be separated, then admits "DHS could detain unaccompanied children captured at the border for only 20 days before releasing them to foster families, shelters or sponsors".... Which is the Trump administrations point.[5]
  • PolitFacts is also equally muddled. They admit that what Ted Cruz said is correct (that they can't keep kids with adults in prison after 20 days). But PF's way to pretend Cruz is wrong, is to claim, but they don't have to separate them "on the border", they could do it later. Yes, because keeping kids with adult felons (like human traffickers) carries no legal liability if they get raped and abused, right. Anyone with a triple digit IQ, can see the impracticality of that.[6]
  • FactCheck was equally poorly written (it's funny how when Liberal outlets want to oppose conservatives, they admit the salient points are correct, then do gymnastics and obfuscate the points, to try to find something they can disagree with). Their spin is that "catch and release" wasn't a law, it was a policy that was treated like law (big fucking difference). Then they still admit that the Flores Settlement exists and you have to release kids before 20 days. Their excuse for why this is wrong, is they claim he could release the parents under the promise that they'd come back, even though in over 90% of cases they were disappearing in the past (even if that's a complete violation of the spirit of the law). So it was not a legally viable option, but the law never gets in the way of the left's best intentions. [7]
  • New York Times admits that Flores Settlement requires the same thing. Their excuse why the administration is wrong is because, "without the Trump administration’s new enforcement policy, the Flores settlement — and subsequent rulings clarifying its scope — alone would not have caused family separation at the border", implying that the families could be kept together for 20 days, not separated immediately. Which is kind of a distinction without a difference -- as that means housing minors with people who we can't prove are their their parents, and with many adults that are likely felons, cartel employees, coyotes and so on. Does that sound like a good idea to you? Really? [8]

The Times story accidentally summed it up (but still left lies of omission), by saying, "Under Flores, the government has three options: releasing families together, passing a law that would allow for family detention, or breaking up the families. The Trump administration has so far chosen the third option." The omission part is:

  1. Their partisan imagination is that the Trump administration could do what Clinton/Obama did during part of their terms, which is release the kids and Parents under the promise that they'd show up for their court date. But we know that historically had 90% non-compliance, which is why the policy was changed. And releasing potential felons into the wild hasn't done good things for the perception of immigrants.
  2. Trump administration has tried to fix the law, but so far Schumer and others oppose fixing the problem (because then Democrats couldn't use kids as human shields and campaign on how evil the other side is for enforcing the law). So that's not really an option for the past, just a potential work-around in the future. (Which they're trying, and have been for over a year with DACA). Omitting that context is dishonest.
  3. And if you going to arrest the parents for the crimes they're caught committing, then you can't keep the kids with them. As required by Flores, which is the point all along.

So the administration is doing the only thing that complies with the law that isn't releasing suspects into America to disappear (catch and release). The far left fact checkers are being a bit disengenuous. And people that regurgitate them are either clueless or dishonest polemics.

2018.06.21 Immigration Girl[edit source]

           Main article: 2018.06.21 Immigration Girl

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

If any of this is news to you, and you didn't know it already, then the FakeNews (leftist propaganda machine posing as the mainstream Press in America) did it's job in deceiving you. Front page falsehoods, back back retractions or corrections, and they drown you in a Gish-gallop of disinformation, so even while much of it is getting corrected, you have to think some of it is true for there to be that much of it.


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