Fake Race Crimes

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ℹ️Fake Race Crimes
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2019-02-19
    1Liner  : 
The FakeHate grievance industry is so broad, that they are branching out, and have to have multiple divisions.

Summary  : 
The FakeHate grievance industry is so broad, that they are branching out, and have to have multiple divisions. Hey, you get what you incentivize. and the virtue signaling left rewards victimhood -- so people are lining up to join in. This is just the subset of FakeHate that is specifically about fake racial crimes.

Everyone knows there's Real Hate, and real racism... but in America it is extremely rare (that's what makes it so newsworthy). Less rare seems to be the false accusation of race and hate. And it helps to remember that for the last few decades (at least), blacks and other minorities are far more likely to attack/rob/murder whites, than the other way around. Whites are the new minorities, but the intersectional marxists haven't noticed that yet, and are still using "White Privilege" as an attack, yet if that's true, why do Asian and Indians out earn whites, and why do half minorities always seem to take the privileges of being a minority instead of taking the "privileges" of being white? You get what you incentivize, and victimhood is a strong lure.

Examples[edit | edit source]

When the supply of real racists can't meet the demand for intersectional victimhood, then the left will have to make it up. And this is a small list, so that people can understand the problem. When your side is making shit up all the time to pin on the other side, or make themselves look good? They've lost the moral high ground (assuming they ever had it): Template:StripCategory2 • [0 items]

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

I'm sure I'll be called a racist for trying to track this stuff. Any truth that discredits the far-left's histrionics is racism (or some other bigotry). But the point here is to remind people that while America has flaws, it is one of the least racist countries in the world. And "white on other" racism is so rare, that they grievance industry has to invent racism where there is extremely little. While the Democrats hate-mongering has made minorities feel more persecuted and more entitled to attack people over race (or fake race allegations) than the other way around.


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