Fat Head (2009)
: Tom Naughton redid Morgan Spurlock's Super Size me: only this one was better, and showed the opposite.
Naughton was partly motivated when he asked Spurlock for a food log or anything to replicate Spurlocks "Super Size Me" experiment -- and Spurlock wouldn't provide it. So Naughton decided to document his own version.
It turns out Spurlock not only didn't keep a log, or wouldn't share it, he left out a key information like he was a chronic alcoholic going through withdrawals that he misattributed to the Fast Food. |
None of the reviewers or places that loved Super Size Me and repeated the disinformation against McD's, was interested in checking the facts and correcting the record. (Watching and Reviewing Fat Head). That would look like Journalism). So despite Fat Head being more interesting, and disproving another documentary, it got ghosted by Fake Critics.
Soso Whaley also copied the all McD's diet for a month and, "I lost 10 pounds (going from 175 to 165) and lowered my cholesterol from 237 to 197, a drop of 40 points." Of course she maintained her caloric intake at around 2,000 per day, exercised regularly and did not insist on consuming more food than she otherwise would.
John Cisna, a high school science teacher, lost 60 pounds while eating exclusively at McDonald's for 180 days.
So the summary was Fat Head was like Super Size Me, only more factual and less left-wing-polemic. So it got less support from the reviewers, Hollywood and the media, that preferred comforting lies to uncomfortable truths. <ul><li>Property "Left" (as page type) with input value "File:FatHeadRT.png|250px|x150px" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "Super Size Me with less propaganda. Viewers liked it more (77% vs 72%): reviewers snubbed it completely. None that loved Super Size Me wanted to correct the record. So this has -77 (0/77) spread is even more significant, because anyone with journalism in their background would want to get the truth out their, especially if they got it wrong the first time." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>
Film Critics[edit source]
If you want to see leftist bias in media, you just have to look at all the examples of how far off from their reviewers are from their viewers. I use the spread as a predictor of whether I'll like a film. Big spread with audience over critics? I'm going to like it. But big spread with critics over audience? I'll usually side with audience.
🔗 More[edit source]
🔗 External Links
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Size_Me
- https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/fat_head_2009
- https://townhall.com/columnists/phelimmcaleer/2018/07/23/superbooze-me-n2502900
- Tom Naughton - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_Head
- Soso Whaley - https://www.nationalreview.com/2005/06/soso-so-good-interview/
- John Cisna - https://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2015/08/meet_the_science_teacher_who_l.html