Hillary Clinton

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ℹ️Hillary Clinton
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2016-01-02
    1Liner  : 
Hillary's scandals that the media ignored or diluted, but defined her, them and her supporters. They were OK with all of this.

Summary  : 
A brief summary of Hillary's scandals. This isn't meant as a balanced piece to show what good she's accomplished as a politicians or person (that would be a much shorter list), the intent is just to show the pattern of scandals that her detractors recognized and that her proponents ignored or diluted, but defined her, them and her supporters

Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "She is the crookedest person to ever get the Presidential nomination. She was kicked off watergate, attacked a rape victim or all the Women her husband molested, had a dozen scandals of her own making like cattlegate, whitewater, troopergate, IRS abuse, filegate, giftgate, lootergate, vandalism, pardongate, chinagate, Clinton Foundation, emailgate, Benghazi, and many that had worked with her admitted she was a repeated liar and not a nice person to work for. Until she won as Jr. Senator of NY (for being married to Bill Clinton), she had few good accomplishments on her Resume." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process. 

There's so many "fun" facts about Hillary, that I put each topic area into it's own tab, otherwise the article becomes unbearably long.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

I don't care if people like her, or want to vote for/against her. But I do care whether people will tell the truth about her or not. Whether you agree with the accusations or not, Hillary has had scandal after scandal, usually being well on the wrong side of ethical -- but often with enough plausible deniability, that she's escaped conviction. If your version of ethical is dirty but not convicted, you can be fine with that: just don't complain about what the other side has gotten away with. If you have a problem with sliminess on the other side, then find: just make sure you're equally outraged (or at least understand others outrage) over Hillary's worse behavior. Pick any one standard for both sides, and we're fine.

Her ex-friends and ex-confidants (or ex-staff), all tell similar stories of a nasty, lying, hot tempered and power hungry person. As a politician, she's flip-flopped on just about every major position -- or at least publicly. She been secretive (deleting federal emails off illegal private email servers, avoiding Press), paranoid (vast right wing conspiracy), who has abused the power of her office many times. She's pro-war (spoke for war in Iraq both under Bill and GWB, Kosovo, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Lybia) and pro-corporatism as long as there was some conflict of interest that benefited her. Against gay marriage. Constantly has ethical problems (lobbying, whitewater, campaign finance, special interests, K Street associations, etc). Her biggest accomplishment as Senator was, helped co-write a part of NCLB (No Child Left Behind). Then turned on Bush after supporting it, and blamed the Republicans for passing it and claimed it was an unfunded mandate. And as a secretary of state, she left a swath of destruction and incompetence behind her, and still struggles to answer the question what good her tenure did.

To believe her supporters -- you have to believe that everyone really is out to get her. All the people that were her confidants and left were jealous and made up stories, that there was a vast right wing conspiracy by her and the Press that seemed to reluctant to investigate them (until the stories were broke wide open by another event), that all the people who call her a liar are liars, that the hoards of people that went to prison around her were taking advantage of her trusting nature, and that she didn't know anything about any of them, but that she isn't gullible or a bad judge of character, and that everything she failed to execute well on (Nixon Investigation, Secretary of State, Wife, First Lady, Philanthropist, Author, Legislator, ISP, Real Estate Investor) were all the failings of someone else. And feel sorry for her, because her one true calling (Cattle Futures Investor) was something that she only did that one time in her life, and Bill and her political lifestyle preventer her from doing her one true calling.

To believe her detractors -- you have to believe that while there's probably some political motivations in some of the releases, that she and her husband more are less are what everyone who spoke out about them, said they were. Scummy, two faced, politicians -- with Bill interested in notching his bedpost like a rabid beaver, while Hillary was interested in power to be queen-bitch over all the minions of earth.

So I wouldn't mind there being a Woman President. I'd just want one with a better record, and someone the world would take more seriously than Cruella Rodham de Vil crossed with Felonious Gru. But as her loyal fans always say about her wrongdoings or incompetence, “what difference does it make?”


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