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Logo International Day Against Homophobia.jpg
File:Logo International Day Against Homophobia.jpgx
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2019-04-01
    1Liner  : 
Homophobia literally means the unreasonable fear towards all gay people.

Summary  : 
Homophobia literally means the unreasonable fear towards all gay people. What it does not mean is what the left is trying to corrupt the term into: any dislike or prejudice of any homosexual person or policy. Someone not liking gay marriage, or having a problem with gay-promiscuity, does not automatically mean they're homophobic.

<ul><li>Property "Left" (as page type) with input value "Everyone that opposed gay-marriage or any pro-gay agenda are homophobes that are worthy of ridicule and scorn, because everyone knows that marriage is a civil-right, this was just like anti-miscegenation laws, and Prop-8 in California was all because of Mormon’s running adds to inflame the other bigots." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "While I support gay marriage, most people I met or knew who opposed it, supported civil unions or deregulating marriage completely (with no history of problems with and often supportive of gays). Marriage just has special spiritual meaning and multi-thousand year tradition. Marriage is not a federal issue, and for those who know what the words mean, is certainly not a civil right: it's just a tax/legal status. And Prop 8 passed in California because democrat minorities supported it more than whites." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul> 

The definition comes from:

  1. Homo (Homosexual) -- meaning tendency to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex
  2. Phobia -- an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation

Those trying to extend the word into any prejudices, or policies are really stretching the word beyond reasonable bounds. Are homosexuals automatically cis-phobic if they don't agree with every policy or person who is straight? Stay reasonable.

🗒️ NOTE:
I'm pro-Gay marriage myself. But whenever I've ever tried to inject any semblance of counter-balance into an argument where activists are broad brushing and stereotyping the entire other side as bigots, I get called a homophobe. Which shows that we've given the term too much power, and not moderated it, or the people using it. If I'm a homophobe because I fight for gay rights, just not quite to the extreme some activists want, then the word has no meaning.

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  • Rainbow Flag - Before the rainbow flag (way back to June 24, 1978), the symbol for gay pride was the pink triangle, because the Nazis used that symbol to denote gays from other prisoners in the concentration camps (for special harassment). I respect the hell out of turning something ugly into something to be proud of overcoming. The rainbow flag is the antithesis of that.


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