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By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2021-10-16
    1Liner  : 
01/06/2020 was a protest used by the left to have show trials, attack their political enemies, and undermine America.

Summary  : 
The left has lied about everything around January 6th, from the timing, intent, participants, motivations/agenda, outcome, organization. Biden ran on uniting, and his party used opportunities like this, to drive a stake in the heart of unity. The show trials, and attacks on the Supreme Court did more to undermine America than Viking Chewbacca taking selfies.

<ul><li>Property "Left" (as page type) with input value "J6]] was as insurrection, it was planned and driven by Trump, White Supremacy and FoxNews. They killed 6 people. This was a threat to Congress, Democracy and the nation, and was the worst attack since the Civil War. The Democrats want to get to the bottom of it." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "There were no weapons, no plan to overthrow the government, no one has been charged with insurrection, the FBI concluded it was not centrally organized. It started before Trumps speech, Trump urged peaceful march, Trump told them to go stop and go home when they started acting like Democrats. The only person killed was an unarmed protestor assassinated by the Capitol Police. The Democrats and their media have obstructed investigations into what really happened, they arrested and abused Political Prisoners for show, they created a one-party hollywood produced show trial that would have embarassed the USSR, and tried to gaslight people into thinking a protest was white supremacy." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul> 

I do not aprove or apologize for the peaceful protest that turned violent. Those that committed violence or vandalism should be prosecuted. But justice demands that they be prosecuted no more, or less than if they were BLM/Antifa rioters, or those that did worse leftist violence. That is all. Justice needs to be blind to party.

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Being heard - There were a few disorganized groups having a protest and they wanted to be heard by congressmen that were ignoring allegations of voter corruption/suppression. There were no guns, no attempts to overthrow the government, no attempts to kidnap or commit acts of violence beyond getting into the people's house and being heard about legitimate election anomolies that have later been proven true.
  • Mostly Peaceful - There was no central coordination at all. It was a protest that got out of hand, and was exploited by the left to attack their political enemies and divide us. Most that were there didn't even know some violence was happening on the other side of a large building, let alone participate, and most that "participated" just walked in when the capitol police opened the front doors and guided them in, and walked in and out in less than 15 minutes.
  • Political Prisoners -- While the worst behavior of the right caused far less damage than any one of the 3,000 violent Democrat BLM/Antifa riors. Instead of posting their bail like the Vice President did for the terrorist wing of the DNC, the Democrats suspended habeus corpus, arrested protestors for non-violent acts, held them for 6 months (or more), on suspicions of trespassing, after the capitol police let most of them in. And there are videos of them saying things like, "single file, no violence, no damage". So locking up protestors for minor non-violent crimes, denying them access to lawyers, put them in solitary confinement, denying them access to medical treatments, gave them sub-par conditions. This was chastized by severage federal judges for the abuse of the prisoners. All as a signal how far the left would drag this country towards tyranny, rather than tolerate the right behaving like the left.
  • Assassination -- the only assassination was of some patriot girl (Ashley Babbet) getting shot in face, while posing no immediate threat to anyone... and the far left in control of our government refuses to investigate it, or do anything about it, other than commend the officer for doing it.
  • Trump - Any violence was not egged on by Trump, or even his supporters: it started before Trumps speech was concluded. Texts between FoxNews, Trump Allies and Trump were shocked at the riot, urged him to talk down the rioters. Trump tweeted and spoke quickly urging them to go home, be peaceful, and not act like Democrats. Which shows there was no consiracy (they didn't know in advance), the President/Fox weren't trying to overthrow the government, and they didn't want this as it distracted from their cause. Proving the opposite of the leftist narrative. [1]
  • Real Questions - there are real questions that were politically suppressed. I don't mind shining light on issues. I mind trying to distract the public from caring about the whole story and getting the whole truth. I mind due process being suspended. Without common standards of justice, you have no justice.
    • Why did Pelosi (who was in charge of security) reject pleas for more Police, and reject offers of the National Guard. And if it was an insurrection plannted by Trump, why would Trump throw offers of National Guard protection to the Capitol, that were rejected? Why did the leftist media suppress getting this information out?
    • How many FBI/Antifa agitators were in the audience? (we know of a few). Why did the police step aside and guide the crowd (after a call from the top)? Who unlocked the 20,000lbs doors from the inside of the rotunda and let the protestors in and why? [2]
    • Why won't Pelosi and the Democrats release all the videos from the day? If light is the best disinfectant, then why would Pelosi let Republican appoint anyone to the committee, why didn't the committee investigate anything that concerned the right or the informed? You don't hide information and violate all norms for congressional committes if you have nothing to hide.

  • Double Standards - you can set the standards how you like, but you have to hold both sides to the same standards.
    • If Trump saying, "peacefully march" is a call to violence. Then Schumer encouraging violence against Kavanaugh is treason. An assassin showed up to Kavanaughs house, and the Administration and DC refused to use law enforcement to enforce the law which says no political protests outside Supreme Court Justices homes. Pelosi blocked congressional condemnation of the illegal riots by the left, in the same week, she's running a show trial.

  • (10) Democrats tried to suppress releasing footage of what happened on 01/06. It showed things like police waiving people in, most protestors being civil and having no idea anything major was wrong. Some black blok group of government agent types breaking in another window and disappearing (never to be seen from again). And so on. ~ Red State
  • (11) Democrats refused to allow the investigation to be bipartisan, by not allowing Republicans to appoint people (in a precedent violating act) and appointing their own RINO's instead. Then they script testimony for thier witnesses, all cherry picked to ham it up for cameras. That's not what an investigation looks like. ~ Western Journal, Cheney pretends it's not a sham, and she's not a RINO.
  • (12) Biden, Pelosi, Democrat controlled media, all pretend to be interested in unity, then keep dividing us on this, every opportunity they have. [3]

FakeNews[edit | edit source]

  • CNN whines that Fox doesn’t refer to 01/06 as an insurrection. Leftist Glenn Greenwald points out that’s because the FBI has charged no on with that crime, an in fact concluded there was no coordination or planning terrorist attack, or attempt to take over the capitol let alone the government. It was a roudy protest, that slowed down congress less than Democrats illegal sit it, or less than CHAZ held government buildings in Seattle, and so on Glen Greenwald, pretend that questioning an election was a coup Breitbart
  • 11/22/2021 - Tucker Carlson did a great Expose on some of the questions around J6. And a couple of NeverTrump RINO's (Jonah Goldberg and Stephen Hayes) quit in protest. RINO's quit in protest
  • It was worse than 9/11, or Pearl Harbo, or the Civil War... if you can't do math or logic. Rolling Stone
  • NYT's 1619 project FakeHistorian claims that it was a Civil War to ask for an election audit before certification.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Everything the Democrats and their media have claimed about January 6th has been debunked. But there's a lot of open questions that they don't want to ask or answer.


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Hollywood Produced Show Trial

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