Ketanji Brown Jackson

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ℹ️Ketanji Brown Jackson
Ketanji Brown Jackson (robe photo).jpg
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2022-03-24
    1Liner  : 
Her name explains her qualifications, a far-left Token Black Woman Supreme Court Justice who lied to get confirmed.

Summary  : 
After Biden undermined her by announcing he was picking Ketanji Brown Jackson because of her race/genitalia. The media/left is outraged that anyone noticed she's a token. Her record was sketchy, her showing at confirmation hearings was dismal, and if she rules as a far lefty, she'll prove she was a fraud/liar, reflecting on those that picked her and their media.

Remember the basics: Democrats know if they tell the truth, they can't win elections or appointments, so they lie/evade. She came across as especially evasive (and makes one believe she's saying what she needs to, but not what she believes). To me, this is disqualifying -- she's not being honest.

Confirmation Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Originalism - She pretends she only cares about original intent, but then says she has no judicial philosophy. None of her record actually supports that.
    • When asked about the "limits of unenumerated rights in the Constitution" she couldn't answer cogently. (That's something an originalist would have an opinion on).
    • Most of her comments/speaches/etc, seems to hint at the exact opposite.
    • Why would Biden be appointing an originalist when they want a through-and-through activist progressive?
  • 1619 Project,” Critical Race Therory" etc... she has a history of supporting them, saying good things about them. But on the stand, she is Schultz.. "I know nothink!"... that reeks.
    • If she's that ignorant, she's not qualified.
    • If she knows and she's lying, she's not qualified.
    • This shouldn't be about evade/lie and you get in. She should have to convince that she's honest.
  • Sentencing record
    • She claimed stuff like "I stuck with the guidance"
    • Cruz crucified her by showing her repeated pattern of NOT following the guidance on Pedophiles/Child Porn/etc
    • Her response was "Judges don't have to follow the guidelines" and cited case law for why.
    • So then she was asked why she was so soft on them and didn't follow the guidance?
    • And she claimed, "I don't have the specifics... but I followed the guidance"...
    • Then the far-left called Ted Cruz a racist for asking her about her record, which is what confirmation hearings are supposed to do. Not about whether you had too much beer at college.
  • Supreme Court Stacking -- she evaded.
    • She claimed it's up to the legislature. No. If the legislature does it, it will go to the Supreme Court to decide if it's valid... so it's clearly in the realm of legal.
    • If she hasn't thought of a position on it, she's a fool.
    • If she has and she won't answer, she a dishonest partisan tool.
    • Her non-answer lets us know that she don't value originalism or the status quo, she values her side winning at any cost. Disqualified!
  • 9/11 terrorists - Obama released many of them, not on legal grounds, but on political ones. And most went back to fighting. She had no defense beyond "I was appointed and they needed representation"... she chose a path to represent them. And this is after the case, she's allowed to have an opinion on it now. She dodged. A lawyer of integrity could say, "It was my job, but I'm sad they got let go and killed Americans.", but a polemic will dodge/cover for the Democrats. She chose the latter, which hints she's not an impartial jourist, but a political operative.
  • Womangate - When asked what a "woman" is, she couldn't answer. Only far-left anti-science polemics don't know what a woman is. As a mother with children, she should have a pretty good idea.
    • Political operatives are sensitive to the left's feelings on fake-Women (M2F transgenders) and so won't commit to science. She proved she's one of them.
    • She still could have walked a tightrope if she was smart and say, "medically, psychologically or socially". In what context. Etc -- and then define accordingly. She could give an answer that was amenable to genetics and politics. But she couldn't do that well. Which means she's not nearly as smart as they are playing her as.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

So far, not at all impressed with the Token that Biden put up.

  1. Not because she's a black woman. Condeleeza Rice, Janice Rogers Brown, Alveda King anyone? There are plenty of black women that I respect. It's her record/party stupid.
  2. Let's remember that Democrats including Joe Biden, blocked many of GWB's Black Female Federal Judges, so that Republicans couldn't nominate one to the Supreme Court first. This isn't about qualifications, but Identity Politics.
  3. Let's also remember that Joe Biden admitted picking her because he needed support for South Carolina -- so he needed a black female token to fullfill that campaign promise. He picked the most extreme, because they wanted to distract from other failures and call the Republicans that questioned her record, "Racists" and campaign on it.

My problem with her is that she's a dishonest polemic that was picked based on skin color and genitalia and partisanism more than judicial/moral qualifications. And it shows. I will watch her rulings. But odds are she's going to divide the court and nation, and be who we all know she is, the Manchurian Justice -- one who lied to get on the bench, and who supports "Social Justice" which is the antithesis of American Justice: aka Justice is stupposed to be blind and put equality above equity, not do what her rulings have done.

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