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By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2019-01-31
    1Liner  : 
A microeconomist that got a few things right in the little picture, but got virtually everything wrong in the big picture.

Summary  : 
While his micro-economic theories worked, he had all of his Macro-economic theories that we could tax ourselves into prosperity proven wrong by history, and explained why by Hayek. Staglation (1970s) couldn't happen in his models. The left still believes that Keynesianism works. Real economists do not.

John Maynard Keynes was an English mathemitician who invented leftist "economics" to appease the biases of a Socialist/Brit. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Keynes spearheaded the idea that we could buy our way out of a recession/depression with enough spending/borrowing, that failed miserably and extended the depression by a decade. By the 70s the repeated failures of Keynesian ecnoomics to work as advertised meant it fell out of favor with reasonable people. But leftist like Obama, kept trying it, with it never living up to promises or expectations.

<ul><li>Property "Left" (as page type) with input value "Keynes was a Micro-economist who thought we could tax ourselves into prosperity. All of his Macro-economic theories were proven wrong by history, and explained why by Hayek. Since the left believes in Socialism and doesn't believe in history, they still think that real Keynesianism has never been tried." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "Economists can't agree on anything, other than that Keynes was wrong. If it worked, then governments that spent the most would be the most successful. We could have spent our way out the Great Depression (it made it worse), Obamanomics would have worked (weakest recovery in history), there would have been a post-war depression (boom instead), there couldn't have been stagflation in the 1970, Communist China/Russia/Venezuela/North Korea would have been successes, and free'ing the markets of China/Russia/South Korea would have been disasters." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>

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Trickle Down Economics
Cutting taxes gives people more money to spend. Unless you literally burn cash, the only things you can do with money is give it away, spend it, or save/invest it: and all stimulate the economy (create jobs/growth).(Saving is passive investing). Thus only debate is the best way to stimulate the economy. Nobody informed and honest will deny that trickle down works. If they argue it doesn't, they discredit themselves.


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