Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians

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ℹ️Mass shootings stopped by armed civilians
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2018-03-28
    1Liner  : 
Some claim Mass shootings are never/rarely stopped by armed civilians, here's examples.

Summary  : 
Those claiming that civilians don’t stop mass/school shootings are either either ignorant, liars, or both. When you hear or read that claim, you can immediately consider the source discredited by their own dishonesty, bias or incompetence. If you doubt it, here's many examples. ("If it saves a single life, it's worth allowing people to carry guns").

PolitiFact/DGU Disinformation[edit source]

           Main article: PolitiFact/DGU Disinformation

Examples[edit | edit source]

This is not a comprehensive list, by any means. DGU's (Defensive Gun Uses) are estimated to be between 500K and 3.5M times a year (I use the a median 1.5M number as close enough), compared to 10K murders, that means a gun is about 150x more likely to be used for good than for murder. While Mass Murders are more rare, the same ideas apply -- there are more good guys than bad guys, and the faster a good guy can distract the bad guy, the more lives will be saved. Examples: Template:StripCategory2 • [0 items]

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In the end, the facts are that when seconds count the police (authorities) are 10-20 minutes away. Most cops are good people, but they can't be everywhere at once -- and there are more civilians than cops. A civilian CCW or Open-Carry person will sometimes be at the event, and will be able to stop/slow/distract the shooter sooner, and that will save more lives over just the cops. But we have no good way (that both sides will agree upon) to quantify exactly by how many lives. Of course if it is you, or your family that is saved, it doesn't really matter what the exact ratio is just that lives will be saved.


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