: Sexual Harassment (Gropegate / MeToo), Racism, is the lefts way to silence and cancel the opposition, that backlashed.
🗒️ NOTE |
Anyone that was a victim and didn't come forward then, and won't name names now -- we have to assume they enabled others to suffer the fate. It's like the bad samaritan that watches someone getting raped but doesn't do anything because "they didn't want to get involved". Names like Debra Messing, Anna Paquin, Patricia Arquette, Evan Rachel Wood, Rosario Dawson, Natasha Lyonne, Tatiana Maslany, Jenny Slate, Lady Gaga, and Gabrielle Union, Reese Witherspoon, Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Rose McGowan. They're not the victims, they made a choice to be silent. The ladies molested because they didn't come forward are the real victims. |
There's a few aspects to this issue:
- There are the false accusations - the left especially has been using made up allegations to attack their political opposition for generations. Those are disgusting, as they are the boy who cried wolf, and it dilutes attention/virtue of real claims.
- Believe all women - Women are humans, and humans lie for a variety of reasons. Arguably, Women being the more socially savvy (and some might say manipulative), are MORE likely to lie to get what they want. There are hundreds of Fake Rape, or other fake sexual allegations to make the rational want to question. Trying to shut down inquiry/skepticism is a way to attack the innocent, our culture (guilty until proven innocent), and it causes more distrust in the long run. If you up the reward for false allegations, you will get more of them -- and people will learn to ignore them.
- They're Bimbo's and Liars - ironically while Democrats/left/media will claim "believe all women", they only do it, when it's not against one of their politicians or people. When it is uncredible allegations against Kavanaugh, "Believe"... when it is highly credible allegations against Bill Clinton or Joe Biden, they silence the women, or attack them. Politics trumps women's rights to the left.
- The Enablers/Facilitators - some of the worst of the worst are the enablers. The people that new so-and-so was a rapist/asshole and yet, they covered for them. Or at least didn't say anything -- because it advanced their career. Every woman that was harassed, that didn't come forward? She was fine with the next Woman getting assaulted, and only looking out for her interests/career.
- Opportunists / Flip-Floppers - I have contempt for those that traded sex, or flirtation for career advantage (Fucking their way to the top)... then years later, when someone complains, they come out and are horrified of the Trauma that they covered up for 20 years, but kept going back when they needed something. Men will trade money/attention for sex. And some women will trade sex for money/attention. To whores that sold their body for career advancement, then complain about it after letting it go on (and happen to others). I have contempt for them. Their exploiters still deserve the consequences they earned. But let's not lose perspective on sellouts that are only coming forward when it advances their carrer -- just like putting out, or letting their silence be bought.
Me-too movement = a witchhunt of man-hating wokesters pretending to care about justice. Don't get me wrong, there are certainly a handful of assholes exposed and persecuted. But there was also a litany of attacks against everyone and everything, and lies spread -- trying to criminalize a woman's regrets at her own decisions, decades after events. Like everything, the left took a good thing, and took it so far, it became a very bad idea.
Template:StripCategory2 • [9 items]
File:Bimbos2.jpeg |
File:Bimbos2.jpeg Ms Clinton, They're Ready for Your War on Women Speech. #MeToo |
File:MadonnaMileyGaga.JPG |
File:MadonnaMileyGaga.JPG Miley, Madonna, Gaga think Trump degraded the image of Women.
File:MeToo1.jpeg |
File:MeToo1.jpeg MeToo = SheepToo
File:MeToo1030.jpeg |
File:MeToo1030.jpeg DeliveranceToo
File:MeToo2.jpeg |
File:MeToo2.jpeg "Bimbo Squad" that Hillary attacked!
File:MeTooPound.jpeg |
File:MeTooPound.jpeg In the 90's, # was pronounced "pound". Please be more responsible when making sexual abuse hashtags than PoundMeToo!
File:NYTara.png |
File:NYTara.png NYT on Tara Reade: apologism / air cover for sexual abuse, as long as it's one of their politicians/elites.
File:Sailor Kissing statue.png |
File:Sailor Kissing statue.png Famous V-Day Sailor kissing Nurse statue was vandalized. #MeToo
File:WarrenCaught.jpeg |
File:WarrenCaught.jpeg Elizabeth Warren caught?
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
I don't like seeing anyone get hurt, but there's something delicious about watching sanctimonious hypocrites fall.
Here's a chart by VOX and Center for American Progress (far far left site, with a history of distortion), that does a breakdown of harassment claimss by job sector. [1] It shows "accommodation and food services industry", which includes restaurants, coffee shops, hotels as the worst. But remember, it's not:
- adjusting by the size of the sector
- they also don't explain if that's patrons or employers
- or the severity of the complaints
- it's self reported (so it could be that other sectors like entertainment are worse, they just remain silent)
So odds are, in the services industry, it's likely the public with an occasional drunk douche slapping a hostess or maid on the ass, which while "not acceptable behavior" in anyone's book, is not exactly to the level of a manager coercing sex under threat of unemployment. All of it is wrong. But there are degrees of wrong. So the chart is offered for completeness, though I'm not sure how much weight I'd give it.
🔗 More[edit source]
🔗 External Links
- Hilarious - many leftist mouthpieces (now gone down in flames) all defend Bill Clinton:
- Full Hypocrisy on display, "we can't hold democrats accountable, or we might lose votes":
- Why you shouldn't believe all Women: