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There's a name for those that want to divide us by race: racism. That goes for BLM, and other special interest groups as much as the KKK.
Template:StripCategory2 • [29 items]
File:AntifaDoughboy.jpeg |
File:AntifaDoughboy.jpeg Pillsbury racist Doughboy Neo-Nazi! White Flour!
File:BannedGeneralLee.jpg |
File:BannedGeneralLee.jpg Robert E. Lee.
File:Blacks.jpg |
File:Blacks.jpg OMG! White people with guns at a protest! Cops would shoot if black people did the same thing? Oh wait, it happened and Police didn't do a damn thing, because when government fears the people, there is liberty. |
File:CopBeatingUnarmedBlackGuy.png |
File:CopBeatingUnarmedBlackGuy.png Office beating an unarmed black man, while another officer watches. (How LeftWingNews is reported).
File:DadTattoo.jpeg |
File:DadTattoo.jpeg I got a Dad tattoo on my arm!
File:GayKlansmen.jpg |
File:GayKlansmen.jpg Gay Black Jewish Klansman for tolerance!
File:HalfAsianGirl.jpg |
File:HalfAsianGirl.jpg I'm dating a half asian girl. Her Mom is Korean and her Dad is Korean... but her legs were torn off in a car accident.
File:MagicWordOffended.jpg |
File:MagicWordOffended.jpg What's the magic word? I'm offended!
File:MagicWordRacist.jpg |
File:MagicWordRacist.jpg What's the magic word? RACIST!
File:MediaAndCops.jpg |
File:MediaAndCops.jpg What media support looks like.
File:NYTSpaceRacism.jpg |
File:NYTSpaceRacism.jpg NYT take on the Space Race, emphasis on Race, shows politicians masquerading as journalists who want to lecture us by seeing everything through a racist lens. |
File:PrivilegedIrony.jpg |
File:PrivilegedIrony.jpg Why can't you white men accept your inherent racism and sexism?
File:QuestionHypocrisy.jpg |
File:QuestionHypocrisy.jpg Peanuts: Is it hypocrisy if our leaders have guns protecting them and we don't? No, I'm not a racist.
File:RaceBeforeLiberals.jpg |
File:RaceBeforeLiberals.jpg Race before Liberals (PC).
File:RaceLBJ1.jpg |
File:RaceLBJ1.jpg I don't think "Great Society" means what you think it means, LBJ. Before: fatherless blacks =7%. After =73%. How's that working out for them?
File:RacismSucks.png |
File:RacismSucks.png Racism sucks. Being falsely accused sucks too (more).
File:RacismWhitePeoplesMeeting.jpg |
File:RacismWhitePeoplesMeeting.jpg White people have made my life miserable. A: OMG, your name came up at the White People's meeting... it's great to know we're making a difference! |
File:Racist.png |
File:Racist.png I'm proud to be white, said the racist.
File:RacistCanadian.JPG |
File:RacistCanadian.JPG I want to keep undesirables from south of the border, out of my country. Q: Are all Americans as racist as you? A: I'm Canadian. |
File:RacistMMs.jpg |
File:RacistMMs.jpg Racism and M&M's. Fighting over race is like fighting over your favorite color of M&M's: they're all made out of the same thing, and thinking they're not, makes you stupid.
File:Slavery.jpg |
620,000 died to end slavery, instead of calling us racists, can we get a "thank you"?
File:StarTrekRace.jpg |
File:StarTrekRace.jpg Star Trek episode on race shows that politicians masquerading as journalists or show writers, want to lecture us by seeing everything through a racist lens.
File:Statue-Rocky.jpg |
File:Statue-Rocky.jpg We need to take down this statue to Rocky Balboa: he beat up 3 black men and a Communist.
File:Taxracism.jpg |
File:Taxracism.jpg Tax-racism -- what double standards look like.
File:TrumpIsRacist1.jpeg |
File:TrumpIsRacist1.jpeg Bomb them = loved, Ban them = hated
File:TrumpRacist3.jpg |
File:TrumpRacist3.jpg Married Immigrants, dated black women, employed minorities, has Jewish grandchildren. If he's racist, I'm the tooth fairy.
File:WalterWilliamsConfederateFlag.jpg |
File:WalterWilliamsConfederateFlag.jpg Walter Williams: The flap over the Confederate flag is not that simple. Racists have used the Bible, U.S. flag, and other great symbols too? Should we ban them all?
File:WarrenWhitePrivilege.jpeg |
File:WarrenWhitePrivilege.jpeg If White Privilege exists, why did Warren have to pretend to be an Indian to get into Harvard?
File:WhitePrivilegeBacks.jpeg |
File:WhitePrivilegeBacks.jpeg If White Privilege is real, while do most bi-racial folks identify as black?!