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File:NFL Woke.jpg
File:NFL Woke.jpgx
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
    1Liner  : 
NFL used to be about American Football, but they became woke, and have suffered the consequences.

Summary  : 
The NFL used to be all about a football monopoly. Then the most ignorant players started rising up to politicize the sport. Instead of recognizing this would alienate the audience, the management went along. And the ratings, viewership and love of the sport, all decayed -- which is what the Marxist puppet-masters wanted all along. Nothing above the state/party and remaking us into the USSA.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

There are people with integrity in leftist/woke companies. But they are often forced out, if they want to stand up for America/Freedom/Tolerance. When you're based in San Francisco it's not long before your mission is taking down America, and replacing it with the USSA.


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Missing the point that millionaires shouldn't antagonize their sponsors and audiences, many owners and players went full retard:

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