Native Americans

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ℹ️Native Americans
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By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2019-07-07
    1Liner  : 
Articles about Native Americans, usually focused on blowing away leftist mythology about how great they are/were.

Summary  : 
Articles about Native Americans, usually focused on blowing away leftist mythology about how great they are/were or how wrong/bad we were. The truth, is almost always more nuanced than what ideologues will tell you.

Do not get me wrong, I've known many Native Americans, and I like them and their culture. None of this is to bash modern Indigenous people's. But what's happening is that Marxists are trying to divide us by vicimhood status, and play the game "America was always wrong", and rewriting history in that direction.

History is interesting because it is colorful. You're not supposed to judge the past by today's values (the fallacy of presentism), but against their contemporaries.

  • If you judge the USA by the norms or Europe, Asia, Africa, or the rest of the Americas of their day -- then America was usually far, far better. .
  • If you judge George Washington or Thomas Jefferson as bad by the values of Today, because they had slaves, then Native Americans were worse, because they had them too, and did other things far worse.

Thus there's few litmus tests that Americans will fail, that others wouldn't have failed worse.

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