: Racism is more than a nasty comment, it is the belief that one race is superior to another.
Words have meanings, and people have agendas.
- To the traditional and informed, racism is the idea that (a) there is such a thing as race (b) that it is biologically significant (c) that some racist are objectively superior to others.
- To the progressive and political, racism is a tool to further your agenda.
Since the word has power in the English language (it's one of the gravest insults), it should be used often. Anyone that doesn’t agree with the far-left agenda, on almost anything, is racist.
They start by believing everything is racist, thus everything the government/individuals do to combat that injustice is justified. This comes from Marxism, but many of the followers don't understand the origins, nor do they particularly care. Racism allows them to take away some people's freedoms/liberties/property and redistribute them for the betterment of others, and they are addicted to that virtue signaling. And thus they see racism (and the need for redistribution), everywhere.
🖼️ Memes
Template:StripCategory2 • [29 items]
File:AntifaDoughboy.jpeg |
File:AntifaDoughboy.jpeg Pillsbury racist Doughboy Neo-Nazi! White Flour!
File:BannedGeneralLee.jpg |
File:BannedGeneralLee.jpg Robert E. Lee.
File:Blacks.jpg |
File:Blacks.jpg OMG! White people with guns at a protest! Cops would shoot if black people did the same thing? Oh wait, it happened and Police didn't do a damn thing, because when government fears the people, there is liberty. |
File:CopBeatingUnarmedBlackGuy.png |
File:CopBeatingUnarmedBlackGuy.png Office beating an unarmed black man, while another officer watches. (How LeftWingNews is reported).
File:DadTattoo.jpeg |
File:DadTattoo.jpeg I got a Dad tattoo on my arm!
File:GayKlansmen.jpg |
File:GayKlansmen.jpg Gay Black Jewish Klansman for tolerance!
File:HalfAsianGirl.jpg |
File:HalfAsianGirl.jpg I'm dating a half asian girl. Her Mom is Korean and her Dad is Korean... but her legs were torn off in a car accident.
File:MagicWordOffended.jpg |
File:MagicWordOffended.jpg What's the magic word? I'm offended!
File:MagicWordRacist.jpg |
File:MagicWordRacist.jpg What's the magic word? RACIST!
File:MediaAndCops.jpg |
File:MediaAndCops.jpg What media support looks like.
File:NYTSpaceRacism.jpg |
File:NYTSpaceRacism.jpg NYT take on the Space Race, emphasis on Race, shows politicians masquerading as journalists who want to lecture us by seeing everything through a racist lens. |
File:PrivilegedIrony.jpg |
File:PrivilegedIrony.jpg Why can't you white men accept your inherent racism and sexism?
File:QuestionHypocrisy.jpg |
File:QuestionHypocrisy.jpg Peanuts: Is it hypocrisy if our leaders have guns protecting them and we don't? No, I'm not a racist.
File:RaceBeforeLiberals.jpg |
File:RaceBeforeLiberals.jpg Race before Liberals (PC).
File:RaceLBJ1.jpg |
File:RaceLBJ1.jpg I don't think "Great Society" means what you think it means, LBJ. Before: fatherless blacks =7%. After =73%. How's that working out for them?
File:RacismSucks.png |
File:RacismSucks.png Racism sucks. Being falsely accused sucks too (more).
File:RacismWhitePeoplesMeeting.jpg |
File:RacismWhitePeoplesMeeting.jpg White people have made my life miserable. A: OMG, your name came up at the White People's meeting... it's great to know we're making a difference! |
File:Racist.png |
File:Racist.png I'm proud to be white, said the racist.
File:RacistCanadian.JPG |
File:RacistCanadian.JPG I want to keep undesirables from south of the border, out of my country. Q: Are all Americans as racist as you? A: I'm Canadian. |
File:RacistMMs.jpg |
File:RacistMMs.jpg Racism and M&M's. Fighting over race is like fighting over your favorite color of M&M's: they're all made out of the same thing, and thinking they're not, makes you stupid.
File:Slavery.jpg |
620,000 died to end slavery, instead of calling us racists, can we get a "thank you"?
File:StarTrekRace.jpg |
File:StarTrekRace.jpg Star Trek episode on race shows that politicians masquerading as journalists or show writers, want to lecture us by seeing everything through a racist lens.
File:Statue-Rocky.jpg |
File:Statue-Rocky.jpg We need to take down this statue to Rocky Balboa: he beat up 3 black men and a Communist.
File:Taxracism.jpg |
File:Taxracism.jpg Tax-racism -- what double standards look like.
File:TrumpIsRacist1.jpeg |
File:TrumpIsRacist1.jpeg Bomb them = loved, Ban them = hated
File:TrumpRacist3.jpg |
File:TrumpRacist3.jpg Married Immigrants, dated black women, employed minorities, has Jewish grandchildren. If he's racist, I'm the tooth fairy.
File:WalterWilliamsConfederateFlag.jpg |
File:WalterWilliamsConfederateFlag.jpg Walter Williams: The flap over the Confederate flag is not that simple. Racists have used the Bible, U.S. flag, and other great symbols too? Should we ban them all?
File:WarrenWhitePrivilege.jpeg |
File:WarrenWhitePrivilege.jpeg If White Privilege exists, why did Warren have to pretend to be an Indian to get into Harvard?
File:WhitePrivilegeBacks.jpeg |
File:WhitePrivilegeBacks.jpeg If White Privilege is real, while do most bi-racial folks identify as black?!
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
So what we know is:
All[edit | edit source]
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