Reasonable Gun Laws
: A list of some of the UN-reasonable gun laws that the left thinks is reasonable.
If you want to be reasonable, you first need to be informed, and get the basics right. How can you reason with an ignoramus (well meaning or not)? So the first step to reasonable gun laws, is educating the gun controllers, on what guns are, how they work, and how bad the current laws are.
💭 What's Reasonable? |
What is reasonable when it comes to gun laws? I explain what it takes to be compliant with a few gun laws so that readers can decide how reasonable these laws are. Now I'm not a lawyer, and I don't play one on TV, so don't take this as legal advice. But these are just a small sampling of the 20,000: local, state and national gun control laws that every owner must know and comply with, under the legal concept of Ignorantia juris non excusat (Ignorance of the law is no excuse). The penalty for infraction is often a felony conviction, ruination and loss of gun rights by hyper-aggressive DA's who hate guns or want to get elected to higher office on the fraud that they're helping public safety. Or worse, the laws aren't enforced and teach both sides contempt for them. If any of these laws seem silly, annoying, or ineffective, you will begin to understand why gun-advocates mock and resist “reasonable gun control” and the legislators who create them. |
Gun Laws[edit | edit source]
Issue | Left | Right |
Gun control or gun ban? File:TakingGuns.jpg | ||
Knife Control File:KnifeControl.png | ||
Red Flag Laws File:RedFlagLawsCommunistFlag.jpg | ||
Smart guns are dumb File:SmartGuns.png |
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
If you’re trying to get more reasonable gun laws, that presumably makes us safer, and still let shooters enjoy their sport and history of guns, then explain how these laws do anything useful to stop accidental, criminal or mass shootings. If you can't, then how any of them are “reasonable”?
- If a civilian can accidentally break the law by putting two legal parts together and making something illegal, then how is the law helping?
- If a thug can intentionally change a gun from legal to illegal in under 5 minutes, then what's reasonable about preventing nothing?
- If criminals aren't widely using these guns in crimes, and if mass murderers do more damage with other tools (bombs, trucks or box cutters), then why are we focusing on these guns?
- If it's already illegal for convicted felons to buy guns, or for people to shoot/kill other people, then how are lessor crimes of the wrong decorator parts going to deter them?
- If there's virtually no enforcement on background checks, and smuggling of drugs, people and guns is already prevalent in the criminal community (easier access), then why have more restrictions/delays on legal owners?
- If the gun controllers don't know basic operation or parts or functions, then how can they create something reasonable from the position of ignorance?
- If they have to lie and use every rare mass shooting to appeal to emotion, and try to pass new controls that wouldn't have prevented the tragedy, then where is the reason in reasonable?
- If the left's greatest power is the ignorance of their constituents on what these laws actually are/do, and their greatest weakness is an informed voter, then doesn't that say something about the laws?
Thus, none of these laws are “reasonable”, as they've done nothing to stop any criminal from doing any of this, you’re just punishing law abiding folks for doing what cops and criminals already can. It’s not reasonable to punish the innocent, and do nothing to stop criminals. All these laws can do it teach informed citizens contempt for the law and our legislators, and gun owners to feel like they're a persecuted minority.
Show me a reasonable gun control law (or legislator), and I'll certainly consider it. But so far, the vast majority of gun laws are insults to the intelligence of anyone who knows the basics of guns, the law, or human nature: fortunately for them, gun-controllers rarely have basic knowledge of any of those. Licensing is where the government takes away your rights and leases them back to you for a free. That’s what these laws do to intentionally harass gun owners. Along with persecute some legal gun owners (collectors and sport shooters), and turns them into felons for doing something as evil as not knowing that you can’t put a vertical brace on what is technically a pistol, or hold it to your shoulder, and you must learn to take your guns apart (or order parts) in the correct order as doing it incorrectly makes you a felon.
🔗 More[edit source]