Richard Nixon
: Complex guy, but always the outsider, hated/cheated by the media, he did some good things, but was a quitter.
My Grandfather once told me back in about 1979. "Richard Nixon was a bastard, but a great President. Jimmy Carter is a good man, but a lousy fucking President. Politicians are corrupt assholes, so they didn't like Nixon, but they understood and could work with him, because he was one of them. But Jimmy Carter was an honest guy, so they didn't understand him and couldn't work with him. You need a corrupt asshole to get anything done in Washington".
Nixon[edit | edit source]
Richard Nixon was a complex and successful President, and as usual, much of the History written by the left, is shallow, wrong and makes people dumber if they believe it. That doesn't make Nixon a saint, but he was more saintly than many of his contemporaries: more honest and less corrupt and power abusive than a Johnson, JFK or Eisenhower. So history, and the rubes that repeat what they've been fed without learning more, is doing a disservice to reality and what we could learn, if we weren't programmed by lying leftists in education and the media:
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Conclusion[edit | edit source]
Despite Nixon's reputation and vilification by the left and the ignorant, he was one of the more accomplished Presidents. I'm not a huge fan of his domestic policies, as he was a bit too left leaning for me: he compromised in creating programs and solutions that weren't bad for the time, but didn't have the right incentives in place to prevent them from becoming foul over time. So while he was better than the alternatives, he did some harm and some good. But in foreign policy he was a bit of a rockstar of the 20th century and did more by just opening China, while simultaneously fighting them to stop their spread in Indochina than all the Democrats of the last century combined. (Which is a low bar, but work with me here).
His impeachment and resignation was a travesty of justice, both in the process, why it happened, the hypocrisy and partisanism and elitism shown against him, and the craptastic job the media and the left has done to stain his history and what this nation once stood for. He is everything they claim to love (a guy that raised himself up by his bootstraps and was successful in spite of the bullying by the elites/powers that hated him), and they really hate him for it.
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