Sandra Bland

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ℹ️Sandra Bland
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2015-12-21
    1Liner  : 
Stoned BLM activist with mental issues, gets hysterical, arrested, and hangs herself. Left/Media blames it on cops.

Summary  : 
Obnoxious BLM activist with mental health issues, has multiple encounters with cops, and has such histrionics over a minor pull-over, that she gets arrested. Then she hangs herself in prison. That loons claim that another innocent black princess was murdered for driving while black and covered up.

<ul><li>Property "Left" (as page type) with input value "Sandra Bland]] - 07/13/2015: innocent black girl, pulled over for a minor traffic violation, by a white cop, gets arrested and she gets killed before ever getting to jail. The "dies in Jail" excuse was all a giant cover-up for police abuse." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "BLM activist has 10+ prior encounters with police in Illinois and Texas (open fines of $7,500), and a history of mental health issues (depression, cutting). She gets pulled over for a minor violation by a Hispanic officer and is issued a ticket. She makes such a huge deal out of being bitchy, filming the cop, not following officers directions that the minor traffic ticket escalates into resisting arrest. Her friends and family won't post the $500 bail for 3 days (sick of her bullshit?). So she hangs herself in her cell." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul> 

Facts[edit | edit source]

  • Cops released videos of her from the 3 days she was in prison to quell the conspiracy loons: but it doesn't work. "They could have doctored 3 days of video"
  • The cop is unlikely to have known her race before he pulled her over (from behind), and he had a history of many of these kinds of stops (no evidence of racism in the pull over)
  • Autopsy revealed she was a cutter (self harm), and she had ingested enough THC prior to arrest that it was still in her system in high concentrations
  • Harris County is an extremely Democrat controlled area, so it helps to remember that as is normal in DNC cities, lots of shortcuts are taken on policies
  • There was an investigation, and the Jail failed to have as frequent of health checks on Bland as they were supposed to -- but this wasn't racism as it had happened a year earlier, and 3 years after her death as well (to inmates of all colors)
  • There was a Sandra Bland act passed to help deal with substance abuse or mental health concerns, to prevent what allowed Sandra to kill herself
  • The far-left Harris County settled $1.9M wrongful death lawsuit with the family on the taxpayers dime, and drove the arresting officer out of his career in Law Enforcement over a separate "perjury" charge.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Bland (BLM activist) parlayed a simple traffic stop into an arrest for assaulting an officer, and then hung herself in prison. But like many BLM activist, she had a history of mental illness, and the problem here wasn't race, but that illness.

There's no doubt the State Trooper Brian Encinia was aggressive after she continually refused to follow directions. But this is known that if you're a repeat criminal (with 25MPH+ over the limit, DUI, Warrants, Uninsured, stoned, etc), and you're in Texas, getting lippy and filming the trooper is not de-escalating things, and you're likely to have your lilly-white/latino/asian ass thrown in jail overnight too. Thus there's never been any evidence that this had anything to do with race by anyone but the activists complaining about it. That doesn't mean the trooper was 100% right, but it does mean that Sandra at least contributed to the outcome, and nobody found evidence of malice/foul-play despite multiple state and federal investigations.


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