: SJWs: When you are not able to refute the arguments, bully people into silence. Social Justice is injustice.
The left believes we need government oppression to protect us from being the freest, wealthiest, and least discriminatory countries in the world. Since they are not able to refute the arguments against this, they try to bully others into silence. That's what an Social Justice Warriors are: people willing to oppress opposing views in the name of diversity. |
Politically: The left believes that instead of Justice (equality of opportunity), we need "Social Justice" (government force, in inequity) to make the world more "fair" and to make up for past inequalities. Handicap the smart, fleet, or rich, to try to force equality of outcome. Thus they wrongly see those that disagree as advocates for injustice/inequality. They miss that replacing an economic meritocracy, with a political or victimhood based one, didn't fix anything, it just changed who the winners/losers were.
<ul><li>Property "Left" (as page type) with input value "We are in an age of unprecedented injustice: racism, sexism, transphobia, oppression are everywhere! As demonstrated by college rape culture, the war on women, rampant police abuse of minorities, poverty and various inequalities that we need the SJW’s to guide government to force us to be better. Without them, the minorities would be oppressed, and we'd collapse into a corporate racist slave state." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "While there is injustice, we are one of (if not the) freest, wealthiest, and least discriminatory countries in the world, with the most opportunities for people (even minorities that come from countries where they were the majority), and our government and laws are a reflection of that, not the cause of it. Government is the wrong tool to fix injustice (in most cases), but a great tool to create it. And the left is addicted to change, not balance, so they're often on the wrong side of issues (in degrees). Acknowledging any of those truths would end the far left as a movement, and replace them with mature moderates: so they must live in an alternate reality where the exception is the norm, and the norm is the exception -- and demand it of everyone else." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>
Of course there is real inequality and injustice in the world, and even in our nation. But by and large, we're in the top handful of countries in the world as far as tolerance and diversity, in every dimension. The far left is trying to change that, by demanding a hedgemony of thought and culture around leftism and continuous progress towards authoritarianism for your own good.
The progressive left is addicted "progress" (change), not balance, or knowing when to stop/slow/moderate. So no matter what progress is made, they have to ignore it, exaggerate the wrongs and the potential for government to fix society with a few laws and a little more intolerance towards that with which they disagree -- until they get to the point where their views are a caricature of reality, and a delusion.
They believe that only they are virtuous, and those who disagree (in any degree), are not. And thus are enemies of them and goodness. Here's a list of silly or abusive things the Social Justice Warriors (Snowflakes) demand:
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