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By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2017-10-26
    1Liner  : 
Socialism has been the most tried, and most failed government system, next to it's older brother (Tyranny).

Summary  : 
Socialism has been the most tried, and most failed government system, next to it's older brother (Tyranny). There have been many, many communes (cults, utopias). Some were small (like Zoar, Ohio), others were large (USSR, China, Nazi Germany, etc). Virtually all of them ended poorly.

Socialism - the left ignores that Socialism usually ends in misery or violent revolution and murdered over 100M people in the 20th century. It is a philosophy of envy and greed (convincing the many to rob from the few). It puts the collective stupidity above individuals and exceptionalism. It is 3 horny Men and a Woman voting on who she will have sex with (and taking away her right to say "no"). It teaches culture to fight to be on the bottom (the biggest victims) to get the most reward. It destroys individuals, economies and cultures. But other than that...

<ul><li>Property "Image" (as page type) with input value "File:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "Nordic countries aren't socialist, they are having major problems, and if you look at all the Socialist countries around the globe (North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba), and throughout history (Cambodia, Vietnam, China, USSR, etc), there are those that sucked, and those that are going to suck. Cherry picking is great for pies, but lousy for learning from life." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul> 

History[edit | edit source]

Socialism was founded and is rooted deep in envy, hate and control -- all primal emotions, which is why it is hard to combat with reason, facts or evidence.

While Socialism has always been around, it's current resurgence started in the 1800's while industrialization was starting in Europe. Workers had a choice: (a) live in rural farms, scraping by as indentured servants to the land-owners (b) move to the cities and do factory work and have higher incomes, live in slightly less squalor and have slightly better conditions. Many were choosing (b).

Socialists knew that while these people's conditions were better than the alternative, that many weren't getting ahead as fast as they would have liked, and there was abuse. So they preyed upon that frustration, greed, and envy at those more successful they are. And Marx and Engles came along and codified these old ideas into a collection of fables called the Communist Manifesto. And they invented bullshit anti-economics, that have all been disproven, like their ideas that economics is a fixed pie, thus the owner and worker are always at odds over "surplus value". The opposite is actually true: a thriving company is creating new value and sharing it with their employees -- and without the employer the people aren't better off, they're unemployed. But alas, if Socialists could learn, they would have gone extinct long ago.

In the end, Socialism can only work for short periods of time, and if you have nothing to compare it to. It is basically the idea that you should punish those who work the hardest and succeed the most, and reward the most, those that do the opposite (and live off everyone else). When you first eat the rich, and redistribute what is theirs, it is tasty, and the lower people are better off. Then over time, innovation slows, bureaucracy takes over, performance declines as the disincentives take root. Then your culture learns the futility of effort, the rewards in cheating the system, resentment at the system and others for their miserable existence, and you get a malaise. Atlas shrugs. The hard working leave, or go where they will be rewarded: criminal enterprise or party politics. Both are parasites on innovation and growth, and the economy may perform in spite of it, but it performs less than the alternative. This is why every socialist system collapses, the only question is how slow will that society mature and grow past it?

There are three forms of Socialism: Democratic Socialism, Revolutionary Socialism (Marxism/Communism), and Corporate Socialism (Fascism or Capitalistic Socialism).

Examples[edit | edit source]

Here's just a few examples of when Socialism was tired, and it ended poorly: Template:StripCategory2 • [0 items]


👁️ See also

<ul><li>The symbol ":Template:Also-Socialism" was used in a place where it is not useful.</li> <!--br--><li>The part "]]" of the query was not understood.Results might not be as expected.</li></ul>

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