The Left Lies

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ℹ️The Left Lies
By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2021-10-15
    1Liner  : 
When the truth disagrees with your agenda, you can grow (change) or lie. The left usually chooses the latter.

Summary  : 
When the truth disagrees with your agenda, you have a dilemma which is to change/grow and go with the facts, or just lie because your agenda is more important than the truth. To stay leftist requires the latter. There's too much evidence against too many parts of what they believe.

Why do they lie?[edit | edit source]

Imagine the truth is not on your side and thus you can't win the war with facts and logic, but you still want to win? What would you do?

Well, I wouldn't compromise myself and the truth. I'd rather lose honestly than win dishonestly. But that's why I'm not a good leftist. (It drove me away in my youth). But if you want to win more than you want to be an ethical or good person, then you just lie, twist, distort, obfuscate, ad hominem, and do whatever it takes to murder the truth and replace it with disinformation. Or what I simplify down to "just lie".

Of course, I'm not talking about every Democrat or leftist, net even every progressive; most Democrats (like most people) are just lazily plodding through life, and repeating what they hear on the news or from their friends. So they repeat lies, but they don't have the actual intent to deceive (they believe their own sides bullshit). But you can't be in a leadership position without having been exposed to the truth at some point. So whether politician, celebrity, or intellectual, they have had the opportunity to know better, and they chose the other path. If they didn't, they would learn, become moderates or conservatives, and their party would go extinct.

This article offers just a small sampling of the evidence, the false narratives, distortions, mistruths that are required to be adhered to in order to be a leftist in good standing. And the truth that contradicts their beliefs and requires them to be liars to remain a leftist.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

This belief is not anything new, here are a few quotes on it, though while fairly contemporary, still imply this idea is not exactly novel to just my way of thinking.

❝ Nothing scandalizes the left like the truth. ❞
~ Andrew Klavan ℹ️
(Paraphrasing Reagan) 

My Grandfather told me variants of it in the 1970's, and it was going back further:

  • Orwell, Ayn Rand, Frederick Hayek got it, and wrote about it in the 1930's on.
  • Frédéric Bastiat got it in the 1840's
  • About 400 B.C. Plato wrote, "Knowledge becomes evil if the aim be not virtuous" which was obviously written about an argument he had with a lefty

Of course many substitute Democrat, Liberal, Socialist, Progressive or the terminology of the day that fits the left -- but it is a truism that goes back for millennia for good reason. We need to explore what makes this truism so prevalent.

You can't handle the truth[edit | edit source]

Most politicians lie because the rewards for over-promising outweighs the costs for under-promising; the former gets attention and votes, the latter means you don't get elected. Plus politics requires compromising, including on things you promised: so they all under-deliver when their objectives meets the practical realities of what they can actually accomplish. Thus, I'm not saying that all right/conservative politicians are good, or all progressive/leftist politicians are bad. But there is an inherent difference, because of what they are promising.

Republicans have to lie to get elected by over-promising on what they'll accomplish. The public will vote for the candidate that promsises the most (aspires the hardest) so they promise what they'll try for, not what they'll get.

Democrats left have views that are far widely unpopular (they only play with subgroups). This is magnified the wider/broader the election is. They aren't catering to all America, but special intersectional interests (one at a time). So Republicans are often lying about how much they'll get done. Democrats are often lying about the actual direction or results.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

The example of the differences between the sides lies is as follows:

  • Trump: "He would build a wall, and Mexico would pay for it."
    • It signaled direction of stronger immigration and leveraging tarrifs/trade to get it -- but not quite outcome. We can debate whether the trade deal got enough money out of it to pay for it or that "remain in Mexico" had them eating much of the costs. But not all. So there is plausibility, but it was an exageration of honest intent.
  • Obama: lied about "being against gay-marriage" entirely, or "not wanting a healthcare mandate", or "if you like your doctor/plan, you can keep your plan", or that "it wouldn't cost one red cent" to the deficit (and it was $1.5T/decade).
    • They were lies not only in degrees, but in complete direction. And if you read anything about his background on the issues, they were bald face lies when he was saying. (There was zero intent at even trying).
  • Biden: was worse with being "a great uniter", healing, not going to mandate vaccines/masks, being transparent, not going to be open borders or raise taxes, and so on.

Democrats can't get elected telling the tuth, so they don't. Then they try to gaslight everyone that they never said that, or when caught, that they delivered it when they didn't. Republicans aren't saints, and change their minds. But 80% of what the media screams loudest about, isn't a lie by their standards on Democrats, and if it is, it's still got much, much more truth in intent or direction.


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