The Southern Strategy

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ℹ️The Southern Strategy
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By :  Aristotle Sabouni
Created :  2021-07-04
    1Liner  : 
The Southern Strategy was to attract all disenfranchised conservative voters, not racists.

Summary  : 
Democrats and Media claim that after 1964 Civil Rights, Republicans wood all the racists Democrats and they switched sides, thus absolving the DNC's KKK, segregation, minority oppression, and the RNC became the racists and started winning the South. The facts show that's a complete delusion.

<ul><li>Property "Left" (as page type) with input value "Nixon (Republicans) went after the disenfranchised Southern Democrat racists after LBJ passed 1964 civil rights act, and they all switched parties. Thus the entire racist past (and present) of the Democrats is wiped clean, and the Republicans own all the prior sins." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li> <!--br--><li>Property "Right" (as page type) with input value "Nixon lost the South, and Democrats continued to carry the South for 40 years. There's never been a shred of evidence that lifelong Democrats switched parties to the Republicans over race or a minor 1960's addendum to the Fair Housing Law that Republicans passed in 1875, especially when the Republicans had a richer history of passing more significant Civil Rights (including ending slavery)." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.</li></ul>

No one denies that that the Nixon campaign had a "southern strategy", but the left distorted it from attracting disenfranchised conservative democrat voters, to targeting (and capturing) democrat racist voters. Which makes no sense, since the latter was a smaller set, and Democrats had George Wallace (extreme racist Democrat) to vote for.



History[edit | edit source]

  • Historically, the Republicans had freed the slaves, driven civil rights (1866, 1875, 1957).
  • JFK wanted to rehabilitate the Democrats and his own image (Hitler or Communist sympathizer). So he copied the civil rights acts of 1875 and 1957, and he pushed The Civil Rights act of 1963.
  • That was blocked by his own party until he took a bullet. And then it took the greater support among Republicans than Democras to get it passed. Johnson only supported it in order to, “have those niggers voting Democratic for 200 years.”

The Strategy[edit | edit source]

  • The Repubicans created the "Southern Strategy" to appeal to the broad groups alienated by Johnson's radicalism, identity politics, central authority and tax and spend New Deal. (Carpet bagging northerners and big government was still unpopular in the South).
  • Racist were a small percentage of the electorate, even in the South. And they would never be attracted to the Republicans with their richer history of defending civil rights.
  • The Democrat Party had no defense, so they turned to Saul Alinsky and Joseph Goebbles "big lie", and used the Frankfurt Schools Critical Race Theory: if you can't divide by class, try race instead. So they called the Republicans "racists", and rebranded the Republican's Southern Strategy as, "a strategy to appeal to racists". Which makes no sense to anyone but miseducated or ignorant leftists.

Did it work?[edit | edit source]

  • Lifelong racists weren't going to switch parties with such stalwarts in the DNC as George Wallace, Joe Biden and Jimmy Carter, and the rich history of the Democrats and the KKK. Especially over a law, that couldn't get passed without the Republicans higher support.
  • Which is why Democrats won the South in 1968, 1976, 1988, 1992, and 1996. (Nixon landslided in 1972, and Reagan did in 1980 and 1984 -- so they carried everything).
  • It wasn't until the year 2000 (32 years after "The Southern Strategy"), that Republicans started really carrying the South regularly.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Either all the Democrats are completely ignorant of history and all these facts, or they know they are lying and trusting that their base is ignorant/lazy/partisan enough to never see through it, or have a problem with their dishonesty/ignorance. Neither reflects well on them.

So the facts are:

  1. the southern strategy according to people that were there, was to go after disenfranchised democrat voters (most weren't racists), and they were more disenfranchised over big government federalism
  2. The shift actually started in the 50s (after Eisenhower sent troops to desegregate southern schools), but it was based on economics (not race).
  3. the idea is that lifelong Democrat racists are going to switch parties to the one that did more for civil rights, all because they were pissed over a minor copy-cat laws, while the Republicans had done far more to disenfranchise them? It's such nonsense that only uninformed Democrats and their media could believe it.
  4. if there was a huge swing of racist voters and representatives, they never showed up at the polls. No one has every shown evidence of a big shift. There's a lot more evidence that the vast majority of racists stayed put in the DNC. And that the Conservative and Moderate Democrats fled (or driven) out of the party slowly.
  5. Remember the basics: as the South got less racist, they became more Republican. As the North got more racist, they became more Democrat. Where's the big shift?

When you think about the absurdity of the claim, it falls apart:

  • lifelong racists are going to switch parties to the party that's been a bigger problem for them, but they don't show up in the polls for 30+ years?
  • Why would Republicans appeal to a few racists, when there were masses of disaffected voters frustrated at Democrats tax and spend policies?

Far more likely was a generational thing; the old racist guard slowly died off (voting Democrat), and new kids of the South, who is traditionally individualist and anti-Big Government, shifted more and more towards the party that would protect their interests. And Democrats blame the other side and racism to avoid introspection and growth.

🗒️ NOTE:
This isn't claiming there wasn't racists on both sides, or that politicians don't pander to populist sentiments. But the point is the Democrats in the South didn't switch, they died out over time. And more and more new people in the South, were more and more Republican. The South outgrew the racist Democrats and old conservatism, and grew into a more Republican (less racist) new conservatism. So the South may have switched, but the racists, by and large did not. And leftist playing semantics with "switched", or pretending that 50s conservatism is the same as 2020s conservatism, are being dishonest or stupid.

Videos[edit | edit source]

YouTube Logo 2017.svg
<html><iframe width="</html>320px<html>" height="240" align="right" src="</html>UiprVX4os2Y<html>" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
How the script flipped, Carol Swain retired professor of political science and law at Vanderbilt University.
Southern Strategy / Big Switch
YouTube Logo 2017.svg
<html><iframe width="</html>320px<html>" height="240" align="right" src="</html>kxhymucVdKU<html>" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></html>
Debate Cenk Uygur v Ben Shapiro - Cenk (Young Turks) gets destroyed, again.


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🗒️ Notes


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  • A somewhat more intelligent/nuanced version of History, that shows the problems with both sides. Rumble But he gives a lot of lip service the far lefts view of Dog Whistles, and misses that if the parties switch over 50 years (and no significant politicians moved), it's just that new voters becamse more and more Republican, then it wasn't really a switch, it was outgrowing the racist Democrats, that stayed loyal to the end.