Trans athletes
: Transgenders have a hard lot in life, and I don't want to pile on. But I don't want to destroy Women's sports.
Facts[edit | edit source]
- I have nothing against trans folks. Their mental disorder gives them a harder life, and the last thing I want to do is to make someones life harder than it needs to be.
- Grip Strength - At work we had a health day, and one of the tables had a grip meter. I squeezed and my Grip Strength went beyond pro athlete... for women, but avg for men. It was eye opening that an out of shape average male could easily crush what professional women’s athletes could do.
- Biology isn’t fair. And like it or not, what you wish you were doesn’t change your chromosomes.
So while I love when women beat men in sports, I never forget how much harder they have to work to do it. Biological men competing in women’s sports, ruins women’s sports for real women.
Examples of biological injustice[edit | edit source]
Template:StripCategory2 • [0 items]
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
Why do you think you don't hear of any F2M trans athletes winning competitions in male sports? If you answer that honestly, it explains why M2F is unfair in Women's competitions. If you can't/won't answer that honestly, then you're not up for an adult discussion on the topic and can/should be ignored.
There are resentments against trans folks, in at least a few ways they have a shit life. I'm sorry for that, and can only treat them with dignity and respect in our 1:1 dealings. And I think those calling them "cheats" is a bit too far -- it is an unfair advantage, but the sincere ones didn't ask for that advantage. Is Shaq cheating at Basketball because he has mutated genes that made him a physical monster? But him playing in high school might not have been fair to the others either. (It's why we created size/weight limits in some sports like boxing/wrestling).
So while I think Tran people deserve to be able to compete in sports, at whatever gender they choose -- I'm not sure that extends to sports competitions. Or they at least deserve to have an asterisks next to their accomplishments, because they do have an unfair biological advantage. Yes, they worked hard too, and deserve the accomplishment -- but just like a woman dropping steroids all her life, and quitting them just long enough to qualify and win a championship, the same thing can apply to trans women. It's not fair, but who the fuck told you that life was going to be fair?
👁️ See also
🔗 More[edit source]
🔗 External Links
- Wikipedia:Transgender people in sports