: Twitter is an enemy of free speech and tolerance.
- Pre-Musk Twitter was an enemy of free speech and tolerance. Examples include them shadow banning conservatives (and admitting it, on-tape), some of their employees getting excited about violating their members privacy (assuming those members are conservatives/Trump), and how they suppressed anti-Hillary tweets during the election, and anti-Biden truths like the Hunter Biden Laptop. That's scarily Orwellian. It's still their company and they get to be as dicky as they want to be with it (within the bounds of the law). But I'm going to point out their moral terpitude just so that consumers can make an informed choice -- not as any call to action (legal, governmental or otherwise).
YAWYD! You are what you do. We can have the nicest words and intent, but what matters is our actions. So if a person (or company's) words and actions conflict, judge them by the actions. And with that in mind, here's a summary of things that Twitter has done: comparison:
Template:StripCategory2 • [5 items]
Coronavirus as hate |
Democrats never let an opportunity to politicize, demonize and hate go to waste. Corona Virus (COVID-SARS-2) was a delicious opportunity to undermine election integrity, freedom with artificial and unhelpful polarizing mandates, and the delicious ability to attack anyone that didn't immediately tow the progressive/fascist line. |
Jessica Yaniv |
A trans-activist in Canada (previously known as Jonathan Yaniv) was trying to force women to wax his genitalia. Since one refused (they didn't offer Manzilians), he filed a complaint with the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal citing gender identity discrimination, demanding financial restitution. |
Mother Teresa quote twitter blocked as a hate speech |
Mother Teresa, "Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: half the babies and all the mothers." That was blocked by Twitter as hate speech. Seriously. When asked by Ted Cruz, they refused to admit so, but said the context mattered. How is one saints opinion hate speech? Imagine all the biblical or Koranic quotes that need to be purged! |
Oversharing (2018) |
Project Veritas video showed how Twitter would share Trump's private messages, a little too gleefully. While they have a history of being loose with our privacy, the majority of the point was "with the DOJ". That's not just a good idea, it's the law. So I don't have much of a problem with this (other than the DOJ is corrupt). But the gleefully part is concerning. |
Twitter bans Erick Erickson for Elizabeth Warren Joke |
Conservative radio host and blogger Erick Erickson got banned for "hateful conduct", for the following joke: “Elizabeth Warren set to introduce the Wrecking American Prosperity Under Marxism, or WAMPUM Act, wherein she gives everything away for free.” (A Wampum is a traditional Native American jewelry bead made from shells). |
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
The question is whether there's a trend and a pattern of bias or bad behavior that we can see? And the answer is we can, if we scratch the surface and look. Is Twitter as bad or worse that Facebook or Google? Don't know, don't care. The problem is that they're bad at all. Censoring others for a political agenda means you're not a communication platform but a propaganda arm of the DNC (or far left) -- the degree of filth is for someone else to decide, the facts are we've caught them repeatedly being filthy.
🖼️ Memes
Template:StripCategory2 • [23 items]
File:BetterBlackrockSaudi.JPG |
File:BetterBlackrockSaudi.JPG I am very worried about Elon Musk owning Twitter. We must keep Twitter in the hands of people we can trust. People like Blackrock, Morgan Stanley, and the Saudi royal family. At least we know that they always have our best interests at heart. |
File:BezosElon.JPG |
File:BezosElon.JPG Business Insider: when Jeff Bezos buys Washington Post it's a "fascinating cultural transition", when Musk does it, it's a "chilling new threat".
File:BuildYourOwn.JPG |
File:BuildYourOwn.JPG Crybully, "WHY DON'T YOU JUST BUILD YOUR OWN TWITTER!!!" Elon, Why don't I just buy yours. Crybully, "NOOOOOOO!!!!!"
File:BuildYourOwnTwitter.jpeg |
File:BuildYourOwnTwitter.jpeg The left while censoring conservatives: It's a free market. If you do not like it: Build your own Twitter • Elon after buying twitter: It's a free market. If you do not like it: ... own Twitter.
File:CensorshipTwitter.JPG |
File:CensorshipTwitter.JPG Yesterday was a flagship day in corporate media. It was the day they were forced to explicitly state what has long been clear: they not only favor censorship but desperately crave and depend on it. |
File:ElonBorg.jpg |
File:ElonBorg.jpg Elon Musk is helping to build a surveillance state around us and has a major role in the technocratic takeover, while also tweeting about freedom. And the masses are eating it up. This is what we call, controlled opposition and cognitive dissonance. |
File:ElonBuyFB.jpg |
File:ElonCritics.JPG |
File:ElonCritics.JPG I hope that even my worst critics remain on Twitter, because that is what free speech means ~ Elon Musk |
File:ElonNYT.JPG |
File:ElonNYT.JPG Next Elon Musk should buy the New York Times and turn it into a newspaper. |
File:ElonTwitterTesla.jpeg |
File:ElonTwitterTesla.jpeg 90% of those crying about Elon buying Twitter drive Tesla's.
File:FBTGConservative.jpg |
File:FBTGConservative.jpg Have you now, or have you ever been a conservative? Political Cartoon by A.F. Branco
File:FreebirdTwitter.JPG |
File:FreebirdTwitter.JPG Freebird ~ 25 April 2022
File:GlobalCensorshipTwitter.JPG |
File:GlobalCensorshipTwitter.JPG The insane response to @musk's proposal to buy Twitter at a significant premium proves that he isn't acquiring a private company, he's acquiring a global government censorship engine. |
File:LeavingTwitter.jpeg |
File:LeavingTwitter.jpeg "I'm going to leave Twitter if Elon Musk takes over" is the new "I'm going to move to Canada if Trump wins" |
File:LionKingElon.PNG |
File:LionKingElon.PNG Elon Lion King moment, holding up baby Twitter...
File:LoadingFreeSpeech.jpg |
File:LoadingFreeSpeech.jpg Loading free speech...
File:NetNeutTwitter.JPG |
File:NetNeutTwitter.JPG Left: When net neutrality was the issue it was called corporate censorship and worst thing ever... When it's Musk buying Twitter to end corporate censorship, it's the worst thing ever. In both cases the solution was more Marxism (in the left's mind). |
File:NeverForgetTwitter.jpeg |
File:NeverForgetTwitter.jpeg Casey, I'll never forget where I was the moment that Elon Musk bought Twitter (I was on Twitter)... Elon, I was on my couch, buying Twitter.
File:SaudiTwitter.JPG |
File:SaudiTwitter.JPG When the Saudi's started whining about Elon buying twitter, he asked, "How much of Twitter does the Kingdom own, directly & indirectly? And what are their views on free speech?" They went quiet. |
File:TwitterBoardElon.JPG |
File:TwitterBoardElon.JPG Today the board of #Twitter basically told their shareholders that they would rather crash the entire company than let Elon Musk buy them out fairly.
File:TwitterDiversity.jpeg |
File:TwitterDiversity.jpeg I fear Elon Musk could undermine the ideological diversity, equity and inclusion at Twitter which currently maintains a careful balance of 98.7% for one side.
File:TwitterMerger.jpg |
File:TwitterMerger.jpg CORPORATE MERGER
File:TwitterUpsideDown.jpg |
File:TwitterUpsideDown.jpg Twitter Bird Flag/Logo in distress (Upside down)
🔗 More[edit source]
🔗 External Links
- Real Threat on Net Neutrality: http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/11/24/bokhari-google-facebook-twitter-and-youtube-are-the-real-threat-to-net-neutrality/
- https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/11/twitter-censorship-will-only-empower-the-alt-right/507929/
- https://www.dangerous.com/36132/twitter-cracks-down-on-conservative-personalities/
- https://www.dangerous.com/39293/leaks-reveal-twitters-climate-of-confusion-and-rampant-bias-when-targeting-conservatives/
- Monitors EVERYTHING: https://www.projectveritas.com/2018/01/15/hidden-camera-hundreds-of-twitter-employees-paid-to-view-everything-you-post-online-including-private-sex-messages/
- Perpetual purges of conservatives: https://www.dailywire.com/news/27391/twitter-purges-conservatives-followers-left-mocks-james-barrett