Gender Dysphoria
: Sex/gender is physical and chromosomes. Gender preference (how we want to act) is a choice.
🗒️ NOTE |
There's a quote, "never be so open-minded that your brains fall out", that in the modern usage is attributed to Walter Kotschnig (1940) message to Holyoke College Students. And the continuation that was, “the real aim of education, is to acquire a philosophy of life, intellectual honesty, and a constant search for truth.” Recognizing the malady of Gender Dysphoria and treating trans folks with respect is intellectual honesty. Demanding that the entire world play along with their delusion or screaming that they're haters or phobic? That's letting your brains fall out. |
Facts[edit | edit source]
- About 1 in 2,000 (or less) babies will be born with the mental illness/defect known as gender dysphoria (Gender Identity Disorder): DSM-5 [1]
- It's about .05% - .005% of the population. So sorry, adapting our entire culture, and changing the way we refer to the 99.95% because of the .05% is a mental disorder known as PCSD (Politically-Correct-Stupidity-Disorder), not to be confused with UCSD where a lot of folks have this malady. PCSD is far more prevalent than GD, and is exemplified with terminal narcissism, and the expectation that the world adapts to them, instead of them adapting to it.
- Now Gender Dysphoria seems like a sucky lot in life. I'm sincerely sorry for those sufferers, and empathize. And feel like they should be treated with respect and dignity. It's not their fault, any more than someone born without limbs, or manic depression should be ridiculed.
- Society shouldn't mock or go out of it's way to demean those with impediments. But nor should it have to rework the entire language and culture just because of a few outliers. We can CHOOSE as individuals to be nice, or be assholes, and I prefer the former. But if you run around trying to FORCE everyone else how to behave, you're not being nice, you're being the asshole... even if your cause is trying to force others to be nice.
Bae as a Metaphore[edit | edit source]
Some musician name Bae is quoted saying, "assuming [gender] because of [a babies] genitalia, is bad/dumb".
That hints that she stopped thinking in college, instead of learning how to think in life. She makes a great proxy for all the left-tards that try to lecture us on Gender Identity Disorder or Gender Dysphoria.
Like many who suffer from Dunning-Kruger effect, she thinks she knows something, instead of it inspiring her actual curiosity to learn about the topic.
But if she was a thinker/researcher, she might have learned that while "Bae" is youth slang for 'babe', it's also the Danish for poop, thus, she might choose a less fragrant moniker to go by. Either that or she wanted to describe herself by an accurate representation of what her opinions are worth.
🗒️ NOTE |
I realize that "handicap" is politically incorrect, and we're supposed to use, "disability" -- but if you look at the root of the two words, disability comes from "lacking the means/power/ability", and handicap means "impediment" or something that will make it "more difficult", but not impossible to overcome.
Thus handicap is a far less offensive term, as it implies that those with handicaps CAN and do overcome them -- whereas disability implies they just can't (don't have the strength), even if the politically correct flipped meanings (correctness). All of my handicapped friends seem to be living the best lives they can with their impediments, and not letting their lack of some attributes stop them. They are overcoming, and thus should not be pitied or diminished by using the PC term "disabled". |
The point being that I get that the little mush-brained dogmatic Bae, is just trying to comply with the indoctrination training she got in college, and be "sensitive" to the outliers -- by being insensitive, offensive and obnoxious to all the rest.
But to that, I'd say, lighten up Francis[2].
Most babies aren't going to have that malady, and if they do, we'll cross the bridge at the appropriate time. The child will come to their own conclusions, and learn to cope, whether they are called he, she or ze -- and like it or not, they are going to be different, they need to learn that, and then they have a handicap to overcome (not a disability that the world must adapt to for them). They have a tough road ahead, and the least of their troubles is likely to be their parents referred to them by the wrong gender pronoun, until they were corrected.
Their lot in life is to want a sex change, either virtually (and to just live cross-gender), or physically (and get altered). And then, after they go through the expensive, difficult and painful series of surgeries (and hormone treatments), they are likely to be cursed with being an effeminate male or somewhat masculine female ( in a society that's not very nice to the outliers). And worst of all, they probably still won't be happy. From what I've read, even post-op, this population still has much higher cases of suicide, depression and mental disorders than the general population[3]. The problem runs deeper than a few physical alterations.
So treat people with this malady (gender dysphoria) with the dignity of someone who suffers from other mental illnesses: Anxiety, Mood, Schizophrenia, Dementia, and eating disorders. It's not their fault. It's not something to make fun of, nor is it all in their heads. It's broken chemistry and wiring, that can be lived with and overcome, with great effort and often chemical aids. But it's real, horrible, but they deserve to be loved and respected anyways.
But there's a difference between accepting people with those malady's and expecting the world to adapt to it:
- The former is accepting them as they are, and the world as it is.
- The latter is trying to change the world (denying the world), instead of expecting that individuals have to adapt to it (or accept the world as it is, and who THEY are going to be in it).
Reverse Discrimination[edit | edit source]
A distinguished Brown University physician and researcher (Dr. Lisa Littman) did a study/paper about transgender-identifying teens (in scientific journal PLOS ONE). It pointed out that the number of kids associating as trans is going up, but the number that stay that way into adulthood isn't -- and some of that is Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. After speaking with "more than 250 parents of children who suddenly developed gender dysphoria symptoms during or after puberty.” She found that:
- 21% had a child with at least one friend who also became transgender around the same time
- 20% had a child who had started spending more time on social media around the time they began identifying as transgender
- 45% that reported both
- Large percentages of the parents reported that their child had been diagnosed with at least one psychiatric disorder (62%) or had experienced a childhood trauma (48%) prior to identifying as transgender
- "Declaring oneself transgender carried social benefits, the parents reported. Among parents who knew their children’s social status, nearly 60% said the announcement brought a popularity boost.”
- “Being trans is a gold star in the eyes of other teens,” one parent wrote.
- Many respondents said their children’s friends frequently mocked or derided people who were not gay or transgender, “To be heterosexual, comfortable with the gender you were assigned at birth, and non-minority places you in the ‘most evil’ of categories within this group of friends,” one parent observed.
- Parents often said that children who had second thoughts about being transgender feared social repercussions. “[My child] couldn’t face the stigma of going back to school and being branded as fake or phony . . . or worse, a traitor or some kind of betrayer,” one reported."
The implication is that there seems to be peer pressure to associate as different, and this isn't good for child's psyche.
And of course the left went mad and attacked her, the publication and the research, not based on the facts/merits, but based on the political correctness of asking the questions on whether you can bend a child's gender identity through peer pressure. Brown pulled links to their own researchers study, and sort of admitted it was because of the topic.
The irony is the left demands that peer pressure exists and is cruel and real against LGBTQ teems (pressuring them to be straight) or when it comes to the male patriarchy oppressing women, but then they reverse on a dime and demand it is 100% false, if it applies to straight kids being pressured to be gay/trans. That couldn't possibly happen, and is so morally offensive to ask, that you should be bullied and have your reputation besmirched if you can show evidence of it happening. [4]
Transgender Expert Twitter-blocked for quoting the DSM-5[edit source]
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
I'm for tolerating and loving outliers in society, but I'm not for forcing others to play along with a delusion, just because it makes them feel better. I'll call trans folks by the pronoun or name they choose, but I won't pretend that they don't have a disorder/malady, or pretend that society is all wrong/evil just because they are not the norm, or some asshat won't play along as well. I certainly won't criminalize not playing along (as some want).
It's like I'm generally politically correct, and try not to call people by what they ask. But you start punishing folks that don't, and fuck you! You went from a polite ask to bullying, and I don't tolerate bullies (even they have other maladies).
So love the individual, but the whole world shouldn't give up peanuts because you have an allergy. That's not how the world works -- and the more you try to force the world to adapt to you (or those you like/defend), the more you're setting yourself up for a lifetime of friction, disappointment, and alienating yourself from the world (and the world from you).
🗒️ NOTE: |
PCSD is not funny either, it's a mental disorder where the young and dumb (of many ages and IQ's) want to change the world, instead of maturing and learning to adapt to it. But with education, experience, and maybe medication, I believe they can overcome their indoctrination and preponderances to be intolerant of everyone who disagrees with them, thus they can overcome their handicap of progressive intolerance, and maybe learn to love a society that doesn't want to change the language with new pronouns like 'ze' and 'babyself'[5], and everything it believes about gender identity, just because some know-it-all post-teenager took a class in trans-gender sensitivity. Breaking through denial is the PCSD sufferers first step in a long hard road to maturity. |
🔗 More[edit source]
🔗 External Links
- Don't address a psychological problem with surgery:
- Regrets
- A threat to gender differentiation, threatens Homosexual protections:
- ↑
- ↑ Lighten up Francis:
- ↑ Post-op suicide rate:
- ↑ Reverse Discrimination:
- ↑