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Memetic posturing about Elections, Voting, VoterID, Gerrymandering, and so on...
Template:StripCategory2 • [17 items]
File:2016VotingBooth.jpg |
File:2016VotingBooth.jpg 2016 brings new meaning to Hanging Chad.
File:BlackWomenCantVote.jpeg |
File:BlackWomenCantVote.jpeg Black Women can't vote? That's terrible... how is this not a bigger story?
File:Cthulhu2016.jpg |
File:Cthulhu2016.jpg Cthulhu, when the lesser of two evils won't do.
File:DemocratBeforeVoting.jpg |
File:DemocratBeforeVoting.jpg Dad, this is my first vote, and I'd like to go without your considerable political Wisdom. e.g. How Democrats win!
File:Electile.jpg |
File:Electile.jpg Electile Dysfunction.
File:ElectionDoll.jpg |
File:ElectionDoll.jpg Show me on this Doll where the election hurt you.
File:ElectionRigging.jpeg |
File:ElectionRigging.jpeg Rigged an election, dodged a criminal investigation, planted a Fake Russian Collusion story, gave Hillary the debate questions in advance, let dead and illegals vote, wiretapped Trump's phone, and they STILL lost! |
File:EverythingIsGoingToBeOKElection.jpg |
File:EverythingIsGoingToBeOKElection.jpg Everything is going to be OK -- they're having an election!
File:IDontWannaVote.jpg |
File:IDontWannaVote.jpg But I don't wanna vote for any of these people!
File:ItTicklesMe.jpg |
File:ItTicklesMe.jpg It tickles me that my vote cancels out Paul Krugman's.
File:VoterID-Dead.jpg |
File:VoterID-Dead.jpg Chicago: where being dead doesn't exclude you from voting Democrat.
File:VoterID-India.png |
File:VoterID-India.png India has mass poverty, 1.2B people, and they all have VoterID's.... sure, it's about income.
File:VoterID-Mexico.jpg |
File:VoterID-Mexico.jpg Mexico has poverty, and they all have VoterID's.... sure, it's about income.
File:VoterID-Registration.png |
File:VoterID-Registration.png Chicago: Voter enrollment at cemeteries.
File:VotingBoothSoap.jpg |
File:VotingBoothSoap.jpg Hey, there's no soap in here... or toilet paper.
File:VotingIsASuggestionBox.jpg |
File:VotingIsASuggestionBox.jpg All these people upset about an election... and I'm like, "Dude, Voting is a suggestion box for slaves".
File:WarrenSanders.jpg |
File:WarrenSanders.jpg Warren-Sanders 2020.