These are current issues and events that can/should be mocked... and were.
Property "Subpages" (as page type) with input value "SMW::off]]Charlottesville, MeToo, Pussy Protest, Shutdown, Statuary Rape, Straws, Tea Party, The Wall, VoteSMW::on " contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Charlottesville Charlottesville where truth and media spin are diametrically opposed.
MeToo Me-too movement = a witchhunt of man-hating wokesters pretending to care about justice
Pussy Protest Trump was the new Hitler, and the Pussy Protests were going to stop it with tantrums and vagina hats.
Shutdown Dems/Media whines about shutdowns to stop spending, but support them when their side does it.
Statuary Rape Vanilla Isis supports destruction of our history, with tearing down our statues.
Straws Few things demonstrate ignorance based virtue signaling like counter-productive anti-science Straw Bans.
Tea Party I went to the 2010 (San Jose) Tea Party rally.
The Wall Cheap (but accurate) shots about the Border Wall fight...
Vote Memetic posturing about Elections, Voting, VoterID, Gerrymandering, and so on...