Fake Hate
: There is real hate in America, but not enough to keep leftism fed, so the left invents Fake Hate to fill the gap.
Fake Hate still feels like hate, if you're the victim of it. The reason FakeHate happens is partly to incite violence and convince others on the left that anything they do back, is justified, because "they did it first" (even when they didn't). In order to instigate change ("progress") you have to convince people that things are so bad, that they need violence, revolution or change, so the left has always been more willing to go there. (Or it's just good cover).
The media has been willing to suppress the side of stories they don't like. The WSJ published a study that fully 66% (2/3rds) of "Hate Crimes" turn out to be faked, and only 1/3rd are real. That surge in hate crimes after Trump's election was more by the left than the right. If anything in here is News to you, then the News hasn't been doing its job.
Why it happens[edit | edit source]
We know that there are many FakeHate reports... possibly more than real ones. The question is why?
The answers are pretty easy:
- If you tell people something long enough, they'll believe it. The left believes that hate exists everywhere and America is a bad country. So when they look for it, and can't find it IRL (and they just know it is true), they just make it up to draw attention to the very real problem that they know exists. People don't give up their fantasies just because reality is in the way.
- In that way we are victims of our success, as we made real racism/bigotry harder and harder to find, the left had to lower the standards to include micro-aggressions or presumed guilt (White/Male Guilt, etc) or invent cultural appropriation (appreciating and adopting other cultures clothes, food, dance as some moral wrong), so they could still find the injustices that they craved. Then the next logical step is to show that it's still real... by creating it.
- You get what you incentivize -- and the virtue signaling left rewards victimhood. So you're naturally going to get people fighting to be on the victims, so that they can achieve the rewards: fame, sympathy, attention and often money. There are hundreds of examples of this on the left (and a handful on the right), but the left will desperately try to draw your attention somewhere else when you point that out.
Is it any wonder that the young and gullible line up to be victims? And if they can't find abusers, they'll imagine them in things that aren't abuse or just make them up, so they can reap the rewards from being victims of the imaginary enemies that the Democrats have scared them about?
🗒️ NOTE: |
While I'm 100% sure there are asshats on both sides of the aisle, if we let one side get away with rewriting atrocities (or reward it) more, we will get more of it. The mainstream media is so strongly in one camp, that they're jumping to conclusions about the right, ignoring evidence or downplaying acts by the left, thus they raise the rewards for leftist violence by increasing the odds that: (a) they won't be blamed (b) if they are, it won't get as much airtime/consequences in the media (c) that the lefts false-flag efforts stand a higher chance of success. |
What changed?[edit | edit source]
One thing is clear, the number and degree of hateful acts that are reported (both real and faked) spiked up starting when our black agitator and community-organizer-in-chief (Obama) took power, and he and the media were rewarding victimhood with fame, adoration and money. Community Organizers get money/power by creating (or magnifying) problems, and polarizing (organizing) the community around them. If the problems aren't big enough, they create them. According to Gallup (and others), for the prior few decades, 60-70% of Whites and Blacks respectively thought race relations were pretty good and improving. Then in 2012-2013 it crashed to below half of blacks, where it has stayed ever since. Why? The Fake Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman story first, then the Michael Brown hoax and creation of BLM, and the Victim Industrial Complex was spawned and magnified by the left (with our President always on the wrong side of the issue: instead of calming people down, was agitating instead). When it looked like many didn't want 4-more years of Obama in a pantsuit and whiteface (as they perceived Hillary), the left/media doubled down once Trump was elected. And if there wasn't evidence of their beliefs, they had to start making it up, and their rubes/reader/viewers believed it. [1]
But is it real (that there's a resurgence in white oppression, etc)? We aren't completely sure, but it seems not. Reason did a good article[2] using FBI and Bureau of Justice Study which shows that while there was far more reports of hate crimes, the truth is that's because we added more agencies to our tracking and gave them more exposure. The percent of agencies added was well ahead of the number of crimes that were added -- and most of all the total number of victims is flat or declining. What is growing astronomically is the number of fake claims that are later debunked. When the number of fake hate crimes is climbing, and the number of real victims is falling, then the problem might not be the hate, but those craving it to exist and seeing it everywhere.
The author of the book Outrage, Inc. [3] discussed in a Townhall article.[4], that once Trump was elected, the NYT started doing a weekly series called "This week in Hate"[5] to show the problem... but they had to stop it 6 months later when it did show the actual problems:
- Most of the violence/bigotry happened in deep blue cities and states - not the areas Trump/Republicans carried. Like "This is MAGA country" in the gayest part of Chicago? If Trump is the problem, why are most of the problems in the most liberal areas of the most liberal states?
- Most of events were getting debunked within a week or three of reporting them. NYT was painted into a corner: If they didn't report the corrections, they would rightly be called FakeNews for misinforming their readers (as was happening). But if they did, the corrections column was bigger than the new hate part of the column. "This Week in Corrections", with more FakeHate than real hate just doesn't show that Trump is the problem they wanted him to be.
- They were also getting heat because they were ignoring a far common problem: much of the RealHate was getting directed at conservatives/Trump supporters, like prevalent violence because someone wore the other parties hat or shirt, or just went to a rally.
Since the NYT didn't want to become a news source that spent its time debunking the left's false hate claims and disinformation, and proving that the right had more valid complaints than the left did, they had to drop the series. Which they did. But the proof is in the examples below. Both real hate crimes against conservatives that you didn't know about, or all the fake hate crimes that leftists tried to pin on the right (and that the media didn't inform you on), tell a story. And if anything in there is a surprise to you, then the media hasn't been doing its job, unless you think it's job is to misinform for leftist causes.
Real Hate[edit source]
Examples[edit | edit source]
Here's a list of violence or bad acts that were perpetuated by the left, and the media blamed on the right. As usual, most were front page stories, and back page retractions (if any corrections/retractions were made at all):
Template:StripCategory2 • [0 items]
💭 Nothing new |
Before anyone claims this is new, or only happening because OrangeMan=Bad!, this is the same techniques/claims the Democrats did to the Tea Party, or they did to Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Richard Nixon, and now Donal Trump. When you can't argue the facts, call them racists! So same technique, just the election is different... and volume is ratcheted up as the medias quality control and presence of fairness has dropped down. Others might claim, "but this happened in 2009 (to Obama) as well". Sorta but not really. Republicans aren't saints. Conservatives aren't as much angry college kids, agitators, or layabouts, so they don't seem to have time for this crap. While there certainly were a few small isolated incidents in the past, according to the discredited SPLC (an organization that exists to scare gullible old white liberals into thinking Hitler youth is about to take over the country).[6] We have many more examples of violence against conservatives, and hundreds of front page claims of swastika's and the like, and back page retractions when the violence turns out to be false-flag efforts, or the assaults turn out to be lies, done by far left activists seeking pity or fame for their virtue signaling acts of violence. |
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
This is just the tip of the iceberg:
- AttacksOnTrumpSupporters.com has 201 Fake Hate events, and 320 attacks on Trump supporters.
- FakeHateMap.com has over 600 events of Fake hate.
- FakeHateCrimes.org goes down a lot (here is an archive), but it has a few hundred as well.
- That's not counting all the Real Hate against Trump supporters that the media is downplaying, or the hundreds of lies the media has told... and may or may not have corrected later. (Some hate is anger/retaliation at the lies. If you scream racist at someone long enough, they might hit back). So I'm just highlighting a small percentage of the bigger problem.
If any of these stories are news to you (either Real Hate against the right, or Fake Hate perpetuated by the left), it shows what a failure the media in telling you the whole story. I'll let the reader decide whether that is incompetence (accident) or malice (intent).
Rationalizing bad things, and trying to pin your crimes on the other side is as old as politics, and certainly the Republicans/conservatives have done it as well. But by nature of youth, Unions, low-education, disenfranchised and the media all favoring the left, from making excuses for the Indian Genocides, for racial lynching and the KKK, or interning the Japanese/Germans/Italians during WWII, 60's and 70's radicals, Antifa, BLM, the Unabomber, or democrats paying thugs to beat up Trump supporters at Trump rally's, and so on, the left has always been more willing to go there.
The left will try to deny this matters, because virtue signaling is more important to them than the truth or stopping the rash of fake victims making shit up for attention. However, the point isn’t “democrats are worse than republicans”, if you know history, you know that’s true: mostly because dems appealed more to youth, disenfranchised and labor/left, which all have more histories of violence. But that's irrelevant to the bigger point which is that we either keep agitating and escalating, and foment anger on both sides, or we work to hold people accountable for it in order to create consequences for doing it, and tamp it down. (Raise the costs, and reduce the rewards). Because if you work hard enough to create a double-standard, we might foment a violent insurrection and make us permanently divides us until we destroy ourselves like happened to many other countries.
🔗 More[edit source]
🔗 External Links
- 2/3rds are fake: https://www.wsj.com/articles/hate-crime-hoaxes-are-more-common-than-you-think-11561503352
- www.fakehatecrimes.org
- https://nypost.com/2019/02/21/the-list-of-bogus-hate-crimes-in-trump-era-is-long/
- ↑ Race Relations: https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2019/02/22/trayvon-jussie-poll-media-hoaxes-killed-race-relations/
- ↑ Reason: https://reason.com/blog/2019/02/22/hate-crimes-and-human-trafficking
- ↑ Outrage, Inc: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062835521/ref=nav_timeline_asin?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
- ↑ Townhall: https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2019/02/24/the-reason-people-fake-hate-crimes-n2542109
- ↑ This week in Hate: https://www.nytimes.com/column/this-week-in-hate
- ↑ FakeNews about 2009: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/305749-republicans-employ-double-standard-to-discredit