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Charlottesville where truth and media spin are diametrically opposed. One of the more egregious examples of FakeNews is the series of fiascos, lies and misreporting about the protest and violence that happened in Charlottesville, Virginia. The informed and honest earned contempt for the media.
Template:StripCategory2 • [10 items]
File:1ATolerance.jpg |
File:1ATolerance.jpg Leftist tolerance...
File:AntifaTrump.jpg |
File:AntifaTrump.jpg You can't trust Trump... unless he says something you don't like!
File:ApprovedStatue.jpg |
File:ApprovedStatue.jpg The first federally approved statue: cube of marble called "Anything and Everything"... which immediately sparked protests from those who hate anything and everything.
File:BroadBrushing.png |
File:BroadBrushing.png Democrats (like the Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas) are quick to criticize others for broad brushing, and quicker to do it.
File:CharlottesvilleCNN.jpg |
File:CharlottesvilleCNN.jpg CNN called an intentional mass-murder in Barcelona the same thing as what happened in Charlottesville. Do they really not know the difference?
File:CharlottesvilleWashingtonDodge.jpg |
File:CharlottesvilleWashingtonDodge.jpg Politically incorrect interpretation...
File:Statue-Rocky.jpg |
File:Statue-Rocky.jpg We need to take down this statue to Rocky Balboa: he beat up 3 black men and a Communist.
File:TheMediaFraud.jpg |
File:TheMediaFraud.jpg The media lie that Trump aligned with or didn't denounce the bigots at the Charlottesville Race Riot. The ignorant or polemics still believe it.
File:ThisStatueOffendsMe.jpg |
File:ThisStatueOffendsMe.jpg This statue offends me, please remove it.
File:TrumpRacist3.jpg |
File:TrumpRacist3.jpg Married Immigrants, dated black women, employed minorities, has Jewish grandchildren. If he's racist, I'm the tooth fairy.